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WIP - The Goatman

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Hey Folks,

I am excited to say that his is my introductory post on Polycount. I am making a concerted effort to be a more active member of the game art community rather than a recluse. I have long deprived myself of the feedback, encouragement, and sense of comradery that comes with being part of something like the Polycount community, and am going to remedy that starting with this thread.

Without further ado, this is the Goatman (name pending.) I still have a ways to go, in terms of modeling components and accessories. I ultimately plan on creating a low poly mesh, with hand painted textures. I cant make too many promises in regard to time frame as I am dealing with a move and job search. Anyway, tell me what you think!



  • Stefan_Martens
    I can't believe nobody commented on this! I love the style you have chosen for him (very dota2-ish).

    As for the textures, I would take a look at the Diablo III inspired Barbarian Girl that came by polycount a few weeks back.


    I think those kind of textures would fit your character really well, (then again they would fit almost everything well, god I love those textures).

    The obvious references for a 'Goatman' would be the god Pan from greek mythology or Faunus from Roman Mythology. Maybe you could read up on them for some more inspiration.
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    Sean? :D

    this is dope. Love the face! Looking forward to more! :D
  • Madwish
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    Madwish polycounter lvl 6
    Love the style, especially on the face. I wonder if he's going to look mean or wise in the end. Looking forward to seeing more. :)
  • eScheu
    Thanks for the support, folks! Madwish, I definitely don't want him to appear too mean looking in the end. I realize he looks kind of similar to devil type figure, but I was hoping for more of a simple goat resemblance. Stefan, I saw that barbarian a few weeks ago and am a big fan. I think the texture style will be similar; maybe a little less clean.

    I had a bit of time to work on the sculpt, so I am now trying to flesh out the lower half of the body.

  • sipher3325
  • eScheu
    This is a minor update, but I'm almost done with the lower legs and wanted to get an idea of what the model would look like with its components mirrored. I still need to make shoes and add some smaller accessories. Next I'll be dealing with the waist and then adding the accessories which will of course include a big ol' sword among other things.

  • nyx702
    Dang this is awesome. It sorta has a Torchligh feel.

    Is this your own design or are you working from anothers concept? The armor design is killer.

    Only small comment I have is that the extruded design on the calfs are barely noticeable. I am sure that can be fixed with color but I am just comparing it to the other details that are larger extrusions.
  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Looks really good, I'm loving the style. I'm excited to see how this turns out.
  • Pix
    Love the sculpt. Would be fun to see this guy hold two handed hammer or even mace with ram horns on it.
  • eScheu
    Hey nyx702, yep its an original concept. I'll post it one of these days, but its still being altered as I go, and its really nothing special in terms of quality. As for those details you're talking about, I am still sculpting that part of the model. Eventually those will be a leather base for some laces that start at the top of the calf. I realize I should have finished that part before I posted, but I was impatient to see what the model would look like with mirrored components. There are a few shoddy spots on the sculpt so far that will have to be refined and polished. Anyway, thanks for the feedback everyone!
  • eScheu
    After a very long hiatus, I think I am finished with the highpoly sculpt. I still plan on building a game mesh and texturing.


  • Spearhafoc
  • MrD4rth
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    MrD4rth polycounter lvl 9
    whoa whoa wee whoa!
    Looks great. only thing, I'm a sucker for super fine detail. maybe run an alpha on the cloth materials and really give us a reason to look closer!!
    same with wear and tear on the hard surface objects edges.
    at this point, it looks so good, the little things matter
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