Hey guys,
I'm about at the point where I could use critique. I'm close to finishing this but have been looking at it way too long, and am at the stage where changes are very easy still.
This piece is part of a scene with equally realistically styled assets, amongst Pagoda's, rocks, trees, grass, japanese tile walls, etc., but I'd like it to be looked at separately from that just for now.
Any words will be taken into consideration, grazie

*Updated image*

Have you got some "wire" render, and other angle to show, then some preview of the textures you used for.
However the plateforme and the stair look like a little to a mattress, but maybe it's because of your specular map which is not giving the marble effect we are expecting for ^^
keep it up!
Ah yes, wasn't thinking about posting wires and what not. The stairs and small circular element there still are not painted at all, that's what I'm finishing up today. The small circular element is going to be some type of shiny metal to work in conjunction with the gold trimming I have there, and the stairs I'm hoping will read like a type of stone, or perhaps marble. Not sure yet! The pink hue on the AO renders are just the temp lighting in Marmoset btw. Here ya go...
Modeling the bricks in was a conscious choice, being that it only added 1k verts to the mesh, and I liked the shadow depth it produced in comparison to just using a normal map. I also considered using a height map for tessellation in real-time in UDK, but I wanted the effect to be able to be rendered in DirectX 9 as well
What are you planning to do with this, video game, cinematic, animation, etc?
From an unrelated angle, try making the thick border of the fence ornaments more yellow / golden, think that would work well with ur palette
@Shotgun - Aw man, you're totally right. I'm gonna do that as a final pass once I get all these pieces painted. I figure I paint all the meshes separately at first in mudbox, checking for consistency every once in a while, then paint the mesh with every piece active and visible for a final pass to make it all cohesive. Thanks a lot for the advice man, appreciate it!
@Ulwaen - Haha yeah man, I had just a normal map before, without any modified geometry in that area, and it looked so flat that it hurt. So I took the liberty to add some more geo and make it more 3d lol. This is hypothetically for a video-game, but it's mainly just for my portfolio. I'm making it with a "video-game industry" workflow mindset.
A Compliment from Jessica Dinh. Just made my day for realz.
Yeah, gonna really try and finish this baby today. Need to move on! And, good luck with your new Magna Fortress scene Jess, will be awesome as usual, I assume.
Final step is putting some moss and lichen down in appropriate areas to make it cohesive. That's Friday! Done for today...
old pics removed*
Presentation wise it's a bit frustrating to have 75% of the bridge out of focus and on a black background. It makes it harder to see details (and the dof is a bit ugly because it's only inside the mesh, not a proper blur).
@Urgaffel - Yes I completely agree, gonna really be different once it's in UDK! Going to put it in a scene properly and take a few pics from there later.
You should think about throwing it into Skyrim, or something. I feel like it would fit right in.
1) Reduced overall noisiness of textures
2) Added moss and lichen to appropriate areas
3) Better specularity, better lighting
Next step is getting it to work well inside UDK, but working on the model is FINITO.
Yup! That's the next stage! Thank you man