I'm using UDK with UE3, and I have a class that extends Projectile:
class QuadForceChaosProjectile extends Projectile;
It seems to function fine, in that it travels, and it gets destroyed when it collides with something. However, the ProcessTouch event isn't called:
simulated function ProcessTouch(Actor Other, Vector HitLocation, Vector HitNormal)
Super.ProcessTouch(Other, HitLocation, HitNormal);
GetALocalPlayerController().ClientMessage("ProcessTouch called");
I'm wondering if there's some noob mistake I'm making, as I haven't worked in Unreal since I worked on Star Wars: Lethal Alliance.
Or perhaps it's meant to be used when the projectile itself is set to blockactors=false (as in, it travels through walls, friendlies, items, etc)...if so, check your collision flags to make sure you're set up kosher.