So basically, I am a MDD major and saw the polycount dota 2 contest. Realizing it was way too late to learn and enter I decided that I just wanted to learn how to do this period. I haven't gotten into 3D modeling yet in my major and I know I will eventually and I wanted to get a head start because I really just want to create hats for TF2 and especially create armor and models for Dota 2. I was wondering if anyone could basically mentor me and help me get a starting point because I am more of a hands on learner than anything so I would like someone to show me how to do it rather than describing it. So I won't hold my breath but would anyone be willing to help me out?
I would be glad to try to answer any questions you may have. If you are looking for a good starting point I would try blender.
CGcookie has some epic tutorials to get you going and if you are willing to invest around 60 hours of your time following tutorials, you will be modeling in no time.
I advise you to watch all the getting started tutorials on blender, then working your way to the beginner section of the website. I'm sure you will use better software later such as Maya and Max, but for starting off blender offers a great free 3D modeling software with some decent High Poly sculpting.
Good luck!
Getting Started: < - Pretty good beginner series.