Hey guys,
It's been a while since I did any personal projects. I've decided to create a big scene which refers to many anime styles. With main focus on the scene being spaceships from Cowboy Bebop series. And the rest of environments based on many cool concepts I found online. The main style I'm going for is inspired by concepts of Chong FeiGiap with bright and vivid colors and scene taken place in daylight. I will try to cover as much of the work I can, starting from the blockout and continue with rest of the models/textures. I'm going to build the final scene in Cryengine (At least thats the plan for now) I prefer its real-time lighting and general similarity of interface to 3dmax I'm using. For the texture style I'm going for, its the Uncharted series, with heavy used environments, but still a bright and colorful textures. So far I've finished a basic blockout of the scene, and started to work on the right side of scene. The detailed model is kind of mixed work now, some parts are still from blockout, some HP work here and there, and lots of cleaning need to be made.
I'm looking for a feedback as well, so far there is not much work done, but it will get much bigger in progress.

And thats the concepts I've used for reference/inspiration.

However just as a suggestion, how about lots of flying cars in the top part of the scene, like a flying highway, some going left to right, and some coming from back to the front. Maybe I am totally off from what you are going for, however I am thinking along the lines of a looking up from a quiet area into a busy metropolis.
Thats just my 2 pence though, its only what I think would look better as a picture. Everthing else you have done is great
oh - points for doing cowboy bebop, good sir! your detail so far is amazing.