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Elderly Zombie

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Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
Hi, so... I've recently started sculpting a kind of old-retired-elderly-zombie. I may enter the Mixamo contest, I'm still unsure about it, but that's definitely how I got the idea.

At this point, I've roughly done most of the sculpting, but it needs a lot of polish and revisions still. I'd like some advice and criticism.

Thanks a lot!


Latest thing.




  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    Loving the playful aesthetic here! The heel is his head is a cute idea but I'm not sure I'm sold on its execution. Did you play Batman Arkham City? Penguin's monocle was a glass bottle in his eye. It was super cool, but also one of the best examples of ever seen of characters and obscure props that enhance the character design. It wasn't too apparent and came with a story (albeit, a mediocre story at best). If you could find a way to merge the character and heel into something that visually looks more cohesive, you could have a very strong piece.

    Looking forward to more progress man.
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks! Yeah, I'm going to work on what's stuck in his head. Maybe I'll move the heel, or try to find something else to put there. I basically want something silly and unusual stuck there, haha.
    Loving the playful aesthetic here! The heel is his head is a cute idea but I'm not sure I'm sold on its execution. Did you play Batman Arkham City? Penguin's monocle was a glass bottle in his eye. It was super cool, but also one of the best examples of ever seen of characters and obscure props that enhance the character design. It wasn't too apparent and came with a story (albeit, a mediocre story at best). If you could find a way to merge the character and heel into something that visually looks more cohesive, you could have a very strong piece.

    Looking forward to more progress man.
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    Here's some progress. I'm trying my hand at polypainting, never really done it, but I can see it's very powerful so far.


  • upanotch
    Looking good so far man! But I agree with Sunkist.
  • AlbinLundahl
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    AlbinLundahl polycounter lvl 5
    This is coming along nicely, loving the style :D and the head looks awesome with the cracked skull!

    His fingers looks kinda weirdly twisted, and the hand could use more definition overall, but I'm guessing you've focused more on the head for now :)
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5

    I changed the shape of the head a lot, I think it looks better this way. I damaged his body and put more details into it. I still haven't got around a proper way to integrate the show (or another silly object) in his head, but I'm thinking about it.



    I'll probably start the retopo and fix the rest of the texture in photoshop :P

    Yes, I also think the veins look a tad odd, I will probably just remove them or work some more on them.
  • David Wakelin
    Looks nice :) and cute,

    as sunkist said though maybe tie something in there, - maybe a handbag in his hand or dragging a cats tail whom is trying its best to escape - it gives it somthing more...

    but overall nice
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    Here's a little baking test I did to check out if I didn't go too low poly for a sculpt bake. Never really done really blocky low poly bake, wanted to be sure.

    Turns out there isn't much problem


    Don't mind the flickr broken links just yet, I'm doing some cleanup on my account for my portfolio in preparation for the MIGS Career Fair.

    Speaking of that, I do not know if it's agains the forum rules, if it is I'll remove it, but here's a link to my portfolio critique thread, feel free to check it out!

  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Why are you using so many triangles if you're making blockfingers anyway?
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    Snader wrote: »
    Why are you using so many triangles if you're making blockfingers anyway?

    You're right, I removed the edge loop running along the fingers.

    I'm not sure what I was thinking, haha.
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    Finished up the bake.

    Will do the accessories separately, maybe I'll find some better thing than the high heel thing.

  • pablohurtado
    Looks pretty good so far, I like the style you chose for this project and its facial expression definitely gives it the zombie feel to it. Can't wait to see more.
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5

    I've run into an odd problem though : s

    I opened my max file at home (did the baking at school) and there's normal map issues. The most noteable is a pretty big and ugly seam on the shirt. Usually it's because of that damned Gamma/LUT thing, but I have it deactivated. I also tried exporting it to marmoset and... same terrible seam:


    How would I go about fixing that? I want to do the final render in Marmoset so that is a pretty big deal.

    Thanks a lot!

    I notice that there is a huuuuuuuuuge difference between what I see on the school screens and my home screens. A lot of differences in saturation, contrast, etc.

    A bit unsure what to make of it though.
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    Pioldes wrote: »
    I notice that there is a huuuuuuuuuge difference between what I see on the school screens and my home screens. A lot of differences in saturation, contrast, etc.

    Google the type/brand of monitors your school has. If I had to guess I'd say at home you have a TN panel and at school you have an IPS panel. Since the IPS displays better colours you're going to notice a pretty big difference.
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    Thanks, I'll check that out tomorrow!

    In the meantime, I'm not too sure how I solved the seam, but it's gone right now. I recreated a texture, activated and deactivated the LUT/Gamma control, something like that, hahaha.

    Anyhow, I put the polypaint and the AO on the lowpoly!


    It's still lacking in some areas (the shorts and shoes seem pretty flat), but I think it's coming along.

    Can't wait to finish this one, I'm already motivated for another project. x)

    Yes, I do know that his hands are very odd.
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5
    Okay, got around kind of finishing it.

    My (almost) Final Render. There's probably a few things I could tweak to make it better, you tell me if there's something odd to the eye!

    I may enter the Mixamo contest, I probably not going to win, but eh, might as well.

  • Aga22
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    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    i had the same problem with the normal map, it just seemed reversed when it came to a seam. when i saw your post i said oh goody, im gonna find out what's the matter now .... :(
  • CactusFantastico
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    CactusFantastico polycounter lvl 12
    Who knows if you will win but you will always be able to say you entered which is well worth trying :D

    also "Toolobag" I was far too amused by this typo then I should have been haha
  • Pioldes
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    Pioldes polycounter lvl 5

    Yeah well, I might as well enter for the hell of it. :P

    So, decided to stop being lazy about a little rig/skin for a dynamic pose.

    The skinning is not all over yet, still a few bad deformations here and there, but I'm only gonna be skinning for the pose, so I'll probably just cheat it =_o

    Anyway, wanted to have some criticism on the pose, I feel it's a bit odd, I'm unsure about the silhouette it gives me, or the repartition of the weight for that matter.

    Any advice? :)
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