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[Dota2] - Windrunner - Quardian of the Forest

polycounter lvl 5
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Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
Hey guys my first time I've properly entered for anything like this....so wish me luck!
First of all I collected my references....
Reference Page



  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    Discarded Attempt 1


    First attempt before I finally understand the technical requirements of Windrunner (no changeable chest, belt, arms or feet!) But my thoughts and feelings of the style are still there.

    Concept 1


    Some of my ideas coming along now... I'm still torn between going for a art nouveau style or a 'rugged' look.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    I like the Celtic vibe you have going on in some of your concepts, specifically in the pants in #2 and the chest + shoulder in #4.

    If I remember correctly though, she has neither a boots slot, nor a chest or belt slot. Just shoulder, weapon, offhand (quiver), back (cape) and head.
  • editpolygon
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    8's shoulder is awesome because it links right back to existing geometry in a clever way.

    7's items have a nice fantasy elven look which she can definitely pull off. It may be a bit too "expectant" or "cliche" though.

    I say do four more iterations and see what you come up with. It won't hurt... unless you're like me where drawing is a difficult task. :)

    On a side note I'm subscribing!
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    I thought about it some more and concepts like 8 are gonna be really hard to pull off because in the original, the shoulders belong to the "shoulders" item group, the scarf belongs to thee "back" group and the hair (which would be a hood for no.8 ) belongs to the the "head" group. Which sucks because you have 3 different slots all occupying the same general area. That's why it's highly unlikely you'll be able to use a design where one piece covers all those 3 slots if that makes any sense.
  • LuCh!
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    LuCh! polycounter lvl 5
    yeah, the technical limitations on item slots kinda suck!
    I was liking 1 and 4, but for the latest design 8 is defenetly my favourite,
    and if you leave the hood off like in the original, is Spudnik's point still a problem then?
  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    @Spudnik: Thanks for the advice on the technical requirements. My first designs (1-4) where when I didn't understand the slots. I have a tendency to jump ahead of myself sometimes. Also thanks for the advice regarding the slots. I didn't know that! I'll bare that in mind with my other designs.

    @editpolygon: Thanks for the comments! I'll be updating soon with more refined ideas.

    @LuCH!: Yeah I think so, but the hood is a key piece I really want to keep. Thanks for the comment. Also yes, technical requirements suck but it's massive a learning curve for me lol :)
  • Kromus
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    8 would definitely be my favourite. I really like the flow of cloth from the leather piece. Looks like something someone of the forest would be able to fashion together.

    That being said, I really like the idea of the hood on number 7 with the ribbons, but I think number 8 as a set just looks better overall.

    Good luck, will be keeping an eye on this thread! Looks good so far!
  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    Quick update - some sketches today. Refinement starts tomorrow....

  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    @Kromus: Thank you for the feedback! I plan on take refine design 8 :)
  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    @Spudnik: Hi, your comment about the overlapping groups was in my head for awhile today. I took another look at the Windrunner model and noticed the groups already overlap eachother.


    Did you mean in terms of modeling the items? I'm a little confused and worried.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah, what I meant is say for example you make the hood in #8 where the cape and the neck part are almost part of the hood itself. Now imagine if somebody would wear only that item: All the rest would be default so half of the hood (the lower half) would be covered with the scarf as it is right now.

    Or image somebody wears just the shoulder item from #8, then they'd have shoulder armor on one side but not on the other while the default scarf hangs in the air magically (because right now it rests on the default shoulder.

    Sorry if I'm sounding a bit weird, it sucks to try to explain it in text form :S
  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    @Spudnik: Thanks for the clarification, I understand now.
  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    Refining my ideas now....

  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    Low poly mesh getting ready for Zbrush ( I struggle starting my base mesh directly in Zbrush). The hood and scarf isn't complete yet!

  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    Trying to sort out the head! Proving quite a challenge trying to get all the parts working with eachother whilst looking interesting. I aim to tweak the last bits tomorrow and move into Zbrush!

  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    Started to work in Zbrush. Been busy this week but I plan to have it ready for re-topo/if not started by the end of this weekend.


    I'm a little lost on the sholders. I don't like the sholder being so bare so I've started to experiment a little.
  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    I've added more detail to the shoulder. It's no longer leather but wooden!

  • JGcount
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    Gj on that pouldron - But I especially like the cloak
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