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[Dota2] – Disruptor – Silver Coils

Disruptor has no less than seven voice lines referencing his "coil," but his model does not have any! I hope I can fix that.

I'm new to the whole modeling thing and I'm doing this to get some more experience. Please tell me if I'm doing something wrong.

Nobody's really doing disruptor items. I guess that's because nobody knows how to change particle effects yet. I think I'll be able to use the same particles as the normal set, though.

Very rough concept art to check the colors (disclaimer: I am not an artist):

I've modeled the weapon to make sure I can do a spiral without too many polygons:

Back proof-of-concept:
I'm thinking the back coil should have a little more on it to break up symmetry, but I'm not sure what.

I hope the silver doesn't provide too much contrast in the wrong places.


  • InstantLoser
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    It took a long time, but I've mostly figured out what I'm doing and made the back item presentable and submitted it to the workshop.
    The other items should take a lot less time now that I've gotten stuff figured out. This was the most important part since it is the most visible.
  • InstantLoser
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    Okay, I've gotten the weapon slot done now. I don't think having a hammer makes a lot of sense, so I made a spiral wand, keeping with the coil theme. The little dent around the handle puts the triangles above 200 so I only put it in the higher detail model.


    I figured out why metalness wasn't working (saving issues) and fixed it so now it is. In retrospect, I shouldn't have saved over the older pictures but it's too late now. The above picture is updated so you can see.

    This did take a lot less time now that I know more of what I'm doing. I'm still having trouble but I'll just be glad if I actually get to enter the contest.
  • InstantLoser
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    Okay, a third item is done and I now can actually enter the contest! I have learned quite a bit despite nobody giving me any advice. The bracers:


    These were a little rushed but I'm just glad I'm done. If I had more time I would try to make the coils go around the outside of the batteries to break it up a bit more, make it more obvious what's holding them on, and make it more obvious that the silver goes in a coil. Having part of it covered up makes it look like 4 circles instead.

    Now I need to figure out how to get a picture of all three items equipped at once. I've looked through the console commands and there's nothing helpful there. I will try messing with the file structure next.

    I'm kind of disappointed that nobody's commented on this the entire time.
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