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[Mixamo Contest]Pumpkin the Zombie

This guy is known as Pumpkin, his code name in cyber space. You can see his name in every gadget and technical forums, and famous among their members. He's knowledgeable about gadgets and technical stuffs.

Personally, he loves pumpkin. He collects pumpkin items, and wear pumpkin accessories.

"The small town of Dullahan Grove is known for its amazing pumpkin harvests, and it's common for its residence to have pumpkin costume party. Some party give pumpkin collectible items and few gives rare pumpkin collectible item as prizes for their contest. As pumpkin lover, he decides to take vacation on this town to visit these parties, and to collect some pumpkin collectible items especially those rare ones."

Here's the sketch for the character when he's still alive and when he became a zombie:


I want to change the title of my WIP thread, but I don't know how, so I decided to create a new thread, but the concept is still the same.

Here's the new thread:
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