hi there,
When I create a looping animation like an sword swing or an pick axe dig, where the start and end frames are the same, the rotation of my hands normally end up (last frame -1) with an offset in the curve editor
which leads to an wiggle when the hand rotates to the last frame. Visually the hand can look like there is as good as no rotation between the last frames but in the (3ds max) curve editor I see there are strong curves and not flat lines.
like if the hand has a "rotation" of 360° and rotates back to 0°
So my question is, how would I avoid this in the first place - if possible -
and how would I deal with it when there is no other way.
Is this a common problem with rotations or is this just bc I'm a noob?
With that said you should still be able to get smooth looking rotations in Max.
[img]http://www.imagesload.net/img/animation curves.jpg[/img]
problem is the animation is baked .. so the wiggle would be backed
doing this for unity..
I can try to bake only the frames I already have and not any inbetweens
This time I made some gifs. Maybe this demonstrates what my problem is in a clearer manner.
The problem occurs when the curves cross each other I guess.
The point is.. it does matter if I rote x y or z first and x y or z 2nd and x y or z last. Is there a script or an animators rule of thumb how to make this right.
I obviously can't get my head around this
atm I have the default xyz but I can remember that yzx would be better for the wrist?!
Select all the keys for the hand and use the Euler Filter tool in the Curve Editor. Should fix the problem. http://help.autodesk.com/cloudhelp/2015/ENU/3DSMax/files/GUID-01BDE1CF-C3C4-4D71-8A5E-3D18D9082325.htm
In severe cases, I switch to a TCB Rotation controller. But you can no longer use curves to edit animations.