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The Pit

Hey guys, been awhile since ive posted anything up. Thought I d the latest project I ve been workin on recently. Its a top down rogue-alike taking place in the sotsverse.

Take a look!



(ps. if someone can tell me how to embed the video in the post that would be great :) )


  • JoshWilkinson
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    JoshWilkinson polycounter lvl 9
    Hey bud, the art style is top notch for that aesthetic but I don't think it's presented very strongly. I've never been been hooked on top-down style games so I may already not be your target audience, but I wasn't really hooked. The text that described your film, "Dozens of monsters... tons of items... and you!" is probably the least interesting text (and most cliche, unfortunately) I can think of.

    However I think that if it were a video of you talking about how it's played and why it's great, you'd really help yourself as prospective kickstarter. If it's original content, keep the music because that was hot. And while somebody's narrating, maybe cut away from the developer and present some of the clips that are in your current video to help illustrate points the narrator is making.

    Some questions I had while watching it is how the grenade launcher (could be wrong about that) hit the monster; was it auto aim? Is that the kind of gameplay I should be expecting? I also saw light-sabers and machine guns. Do certain weapons auto aim? Does the gameplay vary based on weapons (which would be huge)? Is the avatar customizable? What's the plot, or the player's motivation to continue the game? Is it online or single player experience?

    You know, stuff like that.
  • Ambient Confusion
    weapons auto target the nearest enemy by default, you can manually change targets as well. Different weapons have different characteristics. The different character types will have different looks and upgrade as you get higher class armor.

    as for plot

    After years of service you finally are able to cashier out of SolForce and return to your colony world of Arbuda IV to start the rural life you always wanted. But peace is not is not your fate. You have no more put your uniform and medals away in an old chest when word soon comes that a deadly plague is ravaging the few established cities on your world. And there is no cure in human science. Your last desperate hope is the legend of an ancient suulka facility high in the savage Feldspar Mountains.
    If it’s there and if you can survive exploring it, there might be something left that will give the doctors on your world a fighting chance at a cure. Maybe it’s real, maybe it’s just another colony world story. You can’t be sure of anything except the fact that every expedition into those mountains has failed to return. And nothing creates death better than the Suulka.
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