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Permafrost Clinkz

So I don't play DOTA2 since I maneuver in MOBAs like a drunk rhino with ADHD, and I haven't posted on polycount before due to me having been so unskilled that my posts would've been insanely childish and pathetic. So instead I took some time to grow with my 3d skills, and then this little contest pops up that whipped my entire class into a frenzy...the word on the street is "contest" and I've decided to drop in.

But no one cares about that story. They care about pics.

I was pushed by a friend to do a "Eye of Skadi" themed Clinkz since a flaming skeleton that freezes you seems silly. The result is Permafrost Clinkz (with real mastadon skull action).


First is a bullshit paintover right on the splash art while the second is the beginnings of my sketches for this bad boy. Time to start on some proper orthos and stuff. The Skyrim references are obvious i think.

A few things I want to try and push on this fellow:
  • Softer, less "spikey" armor
  • Ice, not fire.
  • Nordic, ancient, "hard" fantasy instead of whimsical (nice elf slippers Clinkz)
  • Clinkz can now have furs since they won't catch fire (also, yay Ice-buildup!)


  • Some Jerk
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    This really seems to meddle with clickz lore. Not to mention messes with his colors. Also it would be odd if somebody equipped an ice themed item while the rest of clinkz is on fire.

    I think you should consider redoing this set. Or find a different hero that the ice theming will work on.
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    Hm, I really on the fence about this one because the concept is really cool (no pun intended!) and I would love to play with that set, but as SomeJerk said, it doesn't mix well with other items for this particular hero....

    Maybe instead of going with the ice direction you could go with Overheat or something like that: as fire gets hotter, it gets more blue, so maybe you could use that as some inspiration.
  • Siegefault
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    I probably should've checked back in here sooner than I did...


    Ole boy got finished. As for the two comments here...

    I didn't see anything in the contest rules that said we couldn't give them outfits that altered effect sprites which is probably why I got so overboard...as for the Mastodon head, Clinkz is human-ish due to his horns so I tried to have fun with it elsewhere. Replace a tiefling-esqe race with a race of homicidal cave-elpehant-men...etc.

    I'll probably drop a comment in the Q&A thread about this, or at least give it a thorough read so I know if this is worth persuing. If not, I've got other plans I can explore.
  • Gajun
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    This really looks amazing. Keep doing it, I highly doubt Valve will say no to you. There is an Ice Tiny in the game when his theme was Rocks and earth. There's a magma version of it in the store with really good votes as well. I hope you don't scrap this because it's amazing.
  • lolobananica
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    It looks really good. I hope this idea can be finished
  • Managor
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    The concept messes a lot that makes clinkz noticeable as himself... I'll have to wait for the models though to see if it really is so.
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