This is a Warhammer 40k inspired Space Marine, taking influence from the Space Marine (2011) game.
This is the high-poly with some base colours polypainted in. I still have the hairplanes, textures, and low-poly to do. I would like some crits and opinions on how the high-poly is looking, before I move on.
(if you want to view the wips click
Thanks for looking, and thanks for putting up with yet another Space Marine character

Current Image:

- The head could be just a little bit bigger.
- Maybe something off about the knee pads (could be just me)
Other than that it's good. Looking forward to the texture and more progress!
I think the sixe of the head is fine. With heroic characters like this small heads are always used to emphasize the muscular body. A good example of this is of superheroes.
Got an idea for the knee pads- The angle and size is fine but it just looks like they're floating. Put a strap or buckle that wraps around the back of the knee. I know it's not what they look like but I think it should help on appearance.
As far as art critiques go, I dunno if it's the material you're using or how it's sculpted, but the armor looks super soft, like it's made out of foam or something. The elbows are pointed 90 degrees the wrong way, I'm not sure if that's by design or not, but it does look a bit odd.
Proportionally, I would scale up the size of the pauldrons, they were made large specifically to maximize protection from every angle. I would also scale down the head to about 80% it's size now. Right now, proportionally it looks like a child is inhabiting that armour, but I think that could also be the combination of proportion, materials, and something about the face/hand size ratio.
As far as the kneepads go, on pretty much all of the official art I've seen, the flat knee pads are attached to the shin-guard and move with it. Some rivets would probably sell the manufactured look.
danpaz3d & Jarran: Cheers! Yeah the knee pads look a bit off because they arn't properly connected to the thighs, I'll fix that once all the textures are finished. I've kept the head kind of small to compliment the crazy space marine proportions. I'll test out a bigger head before I rig it.
Symmetry: Thanks for the crit, you're totally right. I've rounded out the shape alot more.
Gerotoi: I think the torso might look a bit weird because of the current shading, but I'll keep an eye on it, if I can figure what might be wrong.
Der Hollander: Thanks for the detailed crits, very helpful. Hopefully my new textures and spec will better sell the materials (see below). Yeah the elbows were looking weird, I've angled them back a bit, and might move them some more after I finish texturing (I'm avoiding moving too much stuff until I'm sure I don't need to do any more baking). I'll do some tests on the head closer to the rigging stage, and see what works best. Shrinking it down should be quite easy. For the knee pads, I'll try and link them up better to the thighs, and if it still doesn't work I'll try adding the rivets. As for the pauldrons, I've kept them slightly smaller to avoid clipping issues (referencing the Space Marine game).
Thanks again for all the useful crits, below is the low-poly with textures (diffuse, normal, specular, alpha). Let me know what you think! Once the character is done, I want to make a gun for him (maybe a bolt gun? suggestions appreciated
(wip image removed)
(wip images removed)
EDIT: I just noticed a smoothing group error on the back pack and fixed it
Thanks again to people for watching and commenting, and a big thanks to the people who have critted and advised on g+ hangouts!
EDIT: I thought I should also mention I'll put up wires and maps later. I usually wait a day or two incase I realise I need to make some big changes.
my biggest criticism is that the materials don't gel well together. it looks like a strange mix of realistic texturing (or, wanting them to be realistic), and plastic miniature looking materials.
the metals on the hammer, and the subtle surface detailing and scratches on the blue armour areas indicate a realistic vision. but the bright glossy yellow trim totally kills it, if you'd gone for a gold trim instead it might have read much better.
anyway, good job finishing up man, looking forward to seeing your next piece!
So here's some more shots of the model, as well as wireframes and texture maps. There's some more info on the making of this character on my website, if anyone has any questions or feedback please post
@Orangeknight: Thanks! Yeah the material definition and wear and tare were the most challenging part for me. Hopefully I'll get it right in my next character, and then I might come back and tweak this one.
Anyway, I just wanted to share this update. Might try and get a gloss map for the weapon and armour after Animex and the London meetup, and see how that works out.
A friend showed me how to improve mm specular and gloss maps, so I decided to give them an overhaul and fix a few other things that were bugging me.
I have a full breakdown on my website which people can compare with my previous posts (showing maps), if they want to see the improvements and additions I made.