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[DOTA 2] Axe Entry

EDIT: Please note this thread title was changed in here after posting and was not updated in the listing.

Off to a bit of a rough start, I didn't see the big list of allowed heroes and just picked one from the link they provided above the list. My choices are Spirit Breaker, Huskar, Faceless Void, Disruptor, and Beastmaster. I am going to model the 2 axes that are circled below as well as the "mace lantern." I am not familiar with DOTA2 enough to know if the axes and offhand lantern mace would fit any of them. However I would guess Spirit Breaker would though he had a flail in the FBX model. None of these actually wield axes in the models I downloaded, but I'm going to do it until someone tells me not to. I feel out of all the possible weapons, I feel the most comfortable and confident modeling such weapons. Here is the preliminary sketches I did last night.




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