Well, almost from space.
After several weather delays, Felix Baumgartner broke multiple world records by jumping from a baloon-lifted capsule more than
127,000 feet (24 miles) and freefalling back to earth. He's also the first person to ever break the sound barrier without using any form of propulsion, freefalling at more than 750mph.
The dude is way way waaaay high up there. There's video of the whole descent here.
And now if you'll excuse me.
standing on that step-stool, then stepping off, stepping back on, and stepping off again. just over and over and over until he gets right.
Hey, did you see that, is he going to....?
I know that he had an HD cam strapped to each leg, not sure about a visor cam.
until they release more footage, enjoy this fancy music video which includes footage from the previous record holder
sorry i missed it. That's some scifi stuff, man! you forget how high 24 miles actually is...
fucking brilliant
So was the jump. Watched it live and was blown away.
Funny bit: Felix gave a "Neil Armstrong" style speech before he jumped but I could hardly hear it. But due to the communication problems they seemed to be having I'm pretty sure when he was coming in to land and no one was answering him he said "THROW SOME FUCKING FLARES!" after asking about 10 times.