I've decided to give a try to the ArenaNet internship test. I'm not really expecting to get picked. But well .. we never know.
I'm not even sure that i'm eligible since i'm a EU citizen. Maybe some of you know about this?
I'm coming from a 3d for animation background and I've been learning about making character for game for some time now. And this test will certainly be a good practice. Especially on the texturing part.
So here's the concept they provide. I chose to do the girl.

Once i'm happy with the proportions and everything i'll move on to blocking all the cloth and armor pieces.

I would gladly hear all the feedbacks, critics and bashing you may have for me

I'm almost done with the blocking of all the cloth and armor parts. and i'm almost ready to start sculpting and detailing. This hair is half way done. It's more of a placeholder.
It took me forever to get there. I need to be faster because i really want to have as much time as possible for the texturing part which is by far the area where i feel the less confortable..
Would love to hear your thoughts and critics!
looks like a good start to me.
Here are some thoughts on the matter:
The girl seems very feminin on the concept, so I think you could emphasize her hips a bit more and make them wider. With that armor on her shoulders, she doesn't have much of an hourglass shape at the moment.
I'd also suggest to work on her neck/torso/shoulder part und her upper arms. They appear to be thinner than they should be anatomically and her neck is too long.
And for that armor piece over her stomach: Those wings should be a bit bigger imo.
I hope, this is helpful for you. Keep going!
Maybe i'll try to scale the head up a bit. Now she's 8 1/2 heads tall alsmot 9. I'll try to bring her closer to 8.
About the head it definitely need some work and polishing. But i'm not there yet!