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Dota2 - Invoker - Rogue Mage

polycounter lvl 6
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Frosty40 polycounter lvl 6

I will be making a battle mage set for Invoker. Something a little more worn and aggressive than the current options. Here is my initial concept drawing. I will be posting the specs for individual items soon. I want to include some "western" lines while still maintaining the mage look.



  • Frosty40
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    Frosty40 polycounter lvl 6
    WIP update:

    Did a bit more fleshing out for specific lines. Hand wraps (gauntlets, cap, and cape. AS of right now I dont need to use the shoulder slot to get the armor I would like. I will be replacing that item with something not necessarily on the shoulders =0. I'm thinking a scroll quiver. Anyway, here are some sketch. I also modelled the cap a sec ago. I'll link a pic. It was a bit of a pain getting it to fit with his *cough robust shoulder fabrics. however, I am happy with the result.



    I will add more wip images as I test the hat. gonna play a couple rounds =p
  • Olphelia
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    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    Holy columbus those pictures are big! I can see your design idea in your first sketch however the quality in the second is a little too poor to understand.

    From your latest WIP post I'm not too sure the hat has the right form for the hat in your previous sketches. The front part sags over his eyes awkwardly, the curve should smoothly dip.... For example....

  • Frosty40
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    Frosty40 polycounter lvl 6
    thanks for feedback. I changed the design from round to triangle.

    ill post an in game pic, just gonna use drow's hood as test texture.

    Pic sizes are default iphone size grabbed from sketchbook.

    In regards to concept compared to models I will be producing. The first drawing is a point in a direction, but def not final lines by any means. In fact, I have found since looking at invokers base model, alot of the stuff in the concept wont work exactly as drawn.

    I do know where and what im changing to make that happen. For sake of time, ill post only after each piece has been modelled, then that will be the base to "criticize". seriously thanks for any interest though.

  • Frosty40
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    Frosty40 polycounter lvl 6
    mmk, me and texture buddy (im very colorblind) played with the cap some more. Its gonna work, and I think it will fit nicely with default armor set, while still giving the transformation needed to be an original set.

    this will be the last hat WIP post i think.


  • Frosty40
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    Frosty40 polycounter lvl 6
    Wip update. Set will be loaded in next day or so. Will do propaganda and videos soon. Skinning etc is done, and textures are being approved/finalized.

    here is a snapshot from maya.

    Also, Set will be called: Ghostwalkerh2T0L.pnghttp:
  • foeffa
  • Frosty40
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    Frosty40 polycounter lvl 6

    just finished hat and shoulders frapse.

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx8q1DCXWdM"]Dota2 Workshop: Invoker - Ghostwalker Hat - YouTube[/ame]

    The texture process for each item involves many in game tests. We do our best to match each item with the base, then customize to fit our specific interests. We chose the "ghostwalk" skill of the invoker as our color pallette. This means more purples, violets, and whites. We had to have some respect to exort and made the armlets red tint. Overall we are very happy with the way each piece integrates with the default set. When viewed altogether (as in the video) the set really transforms the style of invoker, allowing for a much more weathered and aggressive look. We feel that this is fitting due to his reference to an extremely long life. He has got to have some beat up traveling gear with all those years =p

    This set will be completely loaded tonight. I hope you enjoy the back story we created to describe why the invoker went on a "ghostwalk"
  • ACap
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    ACap polycounter lvl 9
    Great job, guys. This hero really looks cool. I would add some more readable patterns on his back - may be purple - now it looks empty for me. Very good job, keep it up!
  • Frosty40
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