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[Dota2] – Beastmaster – Bearmaster

Hello Everyone, I came up with an idea for Beastmaster reflecting on a movie "The Edge" where they finally slayed the bear and fashioned clothing from the skin. I think that concept goes well with Beastmaster, the burly wilderness man with the epic beard.

Concept image:

About Me: Started 3d Modeling this summer when the D2 workshop opened with zero experience. Thus far I've got a few models up in the workshop with mixed results My workshop. I'm hoping through this contest I'll be able to step up my game and produce a really nice set.


  • borto
    Offline / Send Message
    Update 1: Progress pics on the Axe

    Reference Photo

    Lod_0 model: Might need to redo to better fit the texture.

    Zbrush Highpoly:

    Textured Highpoly:
  • Spudnik
    Offline / Send Message
    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    I don't think that Beastmaster would skin a bear and wear its fur. More likely, he'd kill the guy who tried to do that... the concept seems a bit at odds with Beastmaster's lore.
  • borto
    Offline / Send Message
    The lore states he's been in the wilderness since he was a boy. I don't think wearing an animal hide is outside the realm of possibility.

    Edit: I agree there is a respect for animals in the lore, and my concept is more an of in your face I'm wearing sylla bear. I'll think about toning it down but not entirely sure what I would do.
  • peppi
    Offline / Send Message
    peppi polycounter lvl 18
    Pelvis axes are an awesome idea. Right now those leather straps don't look like they'd keep the thing together for long, though.. You should try making them a lot wider, and possibly also add a bandage to the handle area for a little more material contrast.
  • Tvidotto
    Offline / Send Message
    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    hey, another one doing a beast master set!

    nice idea with the axe, loved it =]
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