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[Dota 2] - Lina - TBD name

Hey all, I decided to make a Lina set. My idea for her set is a different cloth set. Nothing fancy, maybe longer sleeves, different dress, more awesome jewellery and maybe a different hairstyle (Im bad at hair :/). So basically im winging it and making it up as a I go. Lets start: Keep in mind im new to this, to keeping track of my work in public thread, so be gentle.

I wont be using concept drawings, im new to that sort of thing and i find it hard to get my idea across that way. Ill be doing each item 1 by 1. I decided to start with the sleeves, my plan was for skinny sleeves that go from the top of the arm to the wrists. Maybe with a sort of cloth overhang on the sides.



I'm usually busy at work, so progress might be slow. The red sleeves are a bit tight and thin around her elbows/forearm with a small overhang on the top side of her hand. I plan to add more details using normal maps on the sleeves.


  • TMiuccio
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    looking good. Do you have a theme in mind, or are you just modeling until you come up with it?
  • TheBetrayer
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    TMiuccio wrote: »
    looking good. Do you have a theme in mind, or are you just modeling until you come up with it?

    Sort of. I just imagined what i could change about lina's attire and my mind filled with many ideas, and then i just go with it. as for a theme, i dont know yet. If i could connect the dots, then maybe.
  • TheBetrayer
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    Okay been a busy week. I got some free time recently and i decided to flesh out the other parts of the set, so i went to the hair. I decided to give her the hairstyle of one of my favourite female characters in gaming. I wont say who since in its current state it doesn't look anything like its suppose. This is what i ended up with.


    Then, whilst i was bored at work and had some free time, i started drawing doodles. What I started to doodle were the Angel's wings from Darksiders series, they have this stony feeling to them and are just plain awesome. Then i made an accidental smudge at the front, and at that point an idea came into my head. So I redrew the doodle and it felt awesome. I came up with a name for the entire set. here it is, keep in mind its not complete.


    The helm would cover the top part of her face and would have markings on it OR a cartoony face of a fox (read below), it would holes for the eyes as well. I think maybe i could do them as a tranparency mask? would save some triangles instead of actual holes. That stuff behind the helm is her hair, i assume it would levitate as well. Keep in mind that none of this is final and is subject to change.

    Tell me what you guys think, i could make matching items for her helm. The name i had in mind for this set would be : Guise of the Firefox
  • TheBetrayer
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    Small update, made the back hair smoother, made the helm more smooth for the high-res version. I still have some tri's left, ill try to make it better.

  • shanks37
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    really like the helm idea and it fits with lina since she doesnt ever seem to be looking where she's going ingame anyway. i had some tweaks to suggest though but i found drawing them is probably faster than explaining so viola.

  • TheBetrayer
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    shanks37 wrote: »
    really like the helm idea and it fits with lina since she doesnt ever seem to be looking where she's going ingame anyway. i had some tweaks to suggest though but i found drawing them is probably faster than explaining so viola.

    Wow, that's an awesome improvement to my idea. I'll implement it. Can you tell me about the ears? those black outline, is it just in drawing or do you think it should be actual geometry?
  • shanks37
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    in mine it was just part of the drawing but you could definitely have them be sort of embossed i guess is the word? and that should look pretty sweet.
  • TheBetrayer
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    shanks37 wrote: »
    in mine it was just part of the drawing but you could definitely have them be sort of embossed i guess is the word? and that should look pretty sweet.

    I've reached the 800 triangle limit on the helmet, i tried to make it more to your iteration tell me if it looks fine.

  • shanks37
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    looks really good. the only thing i would suggest is to tone down the angle of her hair. its looking a little too sonic the hedgehog for me :P
  • TheBetrayer
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    shanks37 wrote: »
    looks really good. the only thing i would suggest is to tone down the angle of her hair. its looking a little too sonic the hedgehog for me :P

    The hair is just stationary at the moment. Once its in game it will float up and down, sort of like her current hair.
  • TheBetrayer
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    Got some time off. Spent most of trying to workout normal maps and getting python scripts to run in my modeling package, but no luck. Eventually i was able to create a good looking normal map.

    Proceeded to work on the dress, made some good progress there. TxqLB.pngDy1rM.pnguWBQE.png

    The only thing i see wrong with this is the front. I made a fox emblem on her belt and im within the poly limit. But the shape of the front cloth isnt satisfactory for some reason. Any tips?


    Ill try to complete the helm soon and then test it out via dota 2 item uploader. Tell me what you guys think
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