Need to work on my texturing so I am doing a set of sci fi panels.
Based on a concept of massiveBlack, but doing my own thing for the textures.
Later on I will maybe put them together in UDK to get familiar with lighting and UDK, but for now just textures.
First in the set:
(don't mind the seam, gotta fix that)

Guess I'll just keep it to 1 white omni to show them off, so updated shot:
Wanted to go for that matte worn paint feeling, but I start to get the feeling I maybe over did it, and that it could use some more in the spec map.
And thanks for the feedback, especially the mirroring thing, didn't come to my mind that I could offset one half to make it less obvious.
Still have to apply perna's crits to these.
(mainly because I am still fiddling with the glowy bits on the first part, and had to rework that one a bit to make the offset work because of the hole thingy's in the middle, and I'm jumping back and forth a bit between these 3).
Just don't mind the seams yet, I prefer to do those at the end, in case I end up moving some layers around.
Floor Variation:
Mostly done, just have to clean and fix up some things here and there and clean up some stuff.
Very rough, but it isn't really working out as I had hoped, so I am very open for crits on this one.
Based on a concept by Nate Castronovo
Very work in progress (black parts in the middle have no texture)
Currently only diffuse, no spec and gloss yet.
2200 tri's.
Older screen from in UDK:
(didn't want so spam 6+ pictures of the finished panels, but if anyone for some reason (probably no one
Close to calling this done, gotta render out a proper AO and fix up some minor unfinished parts (such as the small red parts wich are supposed to glow).
So maybe if anyone has some last minute critiques, shoot them my way.
Also i can't really read that white sci-fi element thing at the bottom very well, almost seems detached from the model.
yes the white thing at the bottom is a moving hologram on top of the model, probably got a bit carried away by the fancy stuff you can do in UDK.
might just leave it off since it was more a case off, I do it because I can, not because of it adding more "value" to the object.
Had some time to start on the texture today, and thought I'd see if anyone has some remarks/feedback.
And altough it's a borderlands concept, I am just going for a "normal/realistic" texture.
(and don't mind the screen thing, was just testing, since I don't really know yet how to approach that sort of coloured glass/lense)
After getting some feedback, I changed up some things.
Still some things to fix (gotta rebake normals, but that's for tomorrow), and do the untextured parts but I'm slowly getting there I think.
Probably not gonna do it in the end result.
And thanks for the link, hadn't seen that one yet, I'll have a look at it, and keep it in mind when I do some tileable stuff again
Makes me want to try as well
While waiting for new ram to arrive this weekend I started the high poly for the next thing.
Choose something "real" since I really need to go and texture from reference more.
Throwing it in here for some feedback, since there are probably a lot of people that know this weapon really well.
(probably also edge widths, but for this one I am gonna tweak them while baking, really need to see the before/after for myself since I still have trouble with it, but if certain parts are really bad, let me know).
I'll have a look at fixing those up for now, and now that you mention it maybe remove them and see how it looks, but that is gonna be for when I decide to get back to it/fix it up if I'm making my portfolio, since now I want to move on.
Hey man, I just had an industry friend from link me to this thread!
That prop looks sweet.
[edit] That prop looks *Really* sweet
I really like the adaptation. Glad to see some appreciation for the concept too. :thumbup:
You beat me to texturing. Haha, I got caught up with work projects after doing the high-poly and never finished it. It's nice to see a fully realized version. I'll keep an eye on the thread.
If you ever decide to finish yours, let me know (if you want), would be fun to see your vision/take on the completed/textured version.