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[ArenaNet Internship 2013] - Environment thread of HOLY CRAP I'M LATE

I know there's only a week left, but I will take the plunge, even if it takes me a couple of all-nighters. Anyway here's where I'm at:


Just finished the modeling side except for the foliage. I'll worry about that after I sort out the unwrapping and how much space I'm gonna dedicate to everything.


The tri-count so far: 2767. Dangerously close to the limit, so I'll try to not go crazy with the foliage.

Anyway critiques, observations, ponting-and-laughing because I started only a week before, have at it!

P.S.: Does anyone have a method to have the rendered wireframe in Maya show as all quads? I'm using Maya Vector render and I haven't found a way to hide that tri split.


  • hannes d
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    hannes d polycounter lvl 12
    it feels a bit static/gothic
    dont worry to much about the quad /tri wireframe for now
    when we went to visit arenanet with school last year, they told us they need artists who can add to the design
    they showed a simple concept art from a building, kinda similar to this one, and then showed the 3d, which was freaking amazing
    dont be afraid to add to the design
    good luck
  • ahktang
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    ahktang polycounter lvl 5
    [quote=Kaiser D
  • Kaiser D
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    @hannes d: You were absolutely right, so I went in and took away some of the "straightness" and removed a crap-ton of unnecessary loops. Now it stands at 2831 tris and I added a test run for the foliage to have an idea of the final tri count.

    @ahktang: I tried that one, but it only renders the outlines of the mesh, it won't split by quads, just by object. I tried dabbling with the edge detail option but no matter the angle it didn't do what I intended. Oh well. It's not that big a deal.

    Anyway here's my short update:


    Now let's unwrap this beast :poly122:
  • Kaiser D
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    Fell behind because MOVING SUCKS. But I'm back in the game. Still on track for Nov. 14. Here is some of the brick texture, along with foliage alphas:


    Critiques welcome!
  • Web3d
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    Sorry to be a bearer of bad news, but (unless I'm mistaken) ArenaNet cancelled the Environment portion of the internship.

    Environment is no longer listed. Don't take my word as law, I'm not 100% certain. :(

    In my opinion you should still finish it, it looks like you're on your way to having a very nice portfolio piece.
  • Kaiser D
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    ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Come on ANet! :'(

    Well shit. I'll look into it but if it's cancelled, I might as well move on. I am not a believer of having art tests as portfolio pieces because chances are there are a dozen people out there with the same portfolio pieces as you, and ultimately our aim here is to stand out from the pack.

    I'm still a bit shocked to decide if I'll fully stop working on this, but if this is 100% confirmed, then I'm afraid I'm gonna have to move on and start a brand new, wholly original portfolio piece.

    Thanks for letting me know, it would have sucked to get to the 16th and be ready to email this then be like "ummmmmmm where's the environment category?!" :poly141:
  • Kaiser D
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    UPDATE: Confirmed by an ArenaNet HR rep: Environment Art Internship went kaput :poly141:

    Oh well. More time to work on a new environment piece without a (constantly changing) deadline. Good luck to all the character artists who still have a chance!
  • GarfSnacks
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    GarfSnacks polycounter lvl 8
    Hey man it's looking pretty good, I think you should continue working on it, I'm still going to try and finish mine before the deadline, though with finals occurring this week as well, I'm not sure if i'll finish it :/

    You say everyone is going to have the same art piece in their portfolio, then make your piece stand out from the rest, show that you can take an ordinary building, give it personality and a back story, ya know something that when people look at it they'll be like, wow that looks awesome! It's just my opinion,but the concept art for the structure was....lacking character.
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