Oh my goddddddddddddd!
I submited 5 minutes in advance ahahhahhh
2 hours ago their was no lighting,no pose,and no normals
I must have sweated 10 pounds of weight away lol
gonna work more on the textures,because i went so bloody fast
It was a really cool competiti0on
Thanks to mixamo and polycount
I enjoyed watching peoples disgusting zombies lol
Wish i had more time to make the better textures,but ill just do it on my own time
but here my submision

Was kindda bummed I coundnt finish my necromancer for the last mixamo contest but right now things are looking good for me to at least finish ahhaaha
Got a digital tutors dvd to make but soon as thats done im all over this like white on rice
heres what i have so far
Textures are not final ill go over them in ps..tis is just zbrush,ill make the blood pop more and go over the hole thing
still got alot of crap to do might have an axe on his head and missing arm or something not sure yet
mroe to come

@lotet glad u like it
@Anais yah kind of a bummer last time.Ihad last minute stuff.Hopefully this time eveything goes well lol
quickly modeled an ax and some clothes
i wanted to do a lawyer with a open briefcase stuck to his hand but now the poor guy only has 1 hand
still need alot of love on that shit hahah
my computer got fried from my beautiful power supply exploding(thanks)
so couldnt really work on it to much,ill pick up the pace this week hopefully :P
gotta model some more fold on pass and more ripped part on pants and shirt
not sure if im keepin the ax
also was thinkin to a: rip his arm out or b: keep his arm and make an open briefcase not to sure
alot of crap to sort out lol
@luke no clue ill check it out might even put abear trap on his leg or just rip the foot off hmm
Hopefully I can finish for deadline :P
Great work. Keep going! Almost four more days!!
I submited 5 minutes in advance ahahhahhh
2 hours ago their was no lighting,no pose,and no normals
I must have sweated 10 pounds of weight away lol
gonna work more on the textures,because i went so bloody fast
It was a really cool competiti0on
Thanks to mixamo and polycount
I enjoyed watching peoples disgusting zombies lol
but here my submision