Hey Guys,
My partner and I decided to do another TA Set for this contest (did one before that received great feedback!)
We chose TA simply because we love the hero and design / limiations of her, after working on the first set I have the experience I need in terms of rigging and what will work and what won't. My partner is the concept artist and comes up with the overall design, he then hands it over for me to make.Set Name
Shadow of the Thief-Scholar
Concept Art
Full texture / model

Progress Update19/11
Rigging / QC
27/10Hair Base mesh
13/10Currently doing the base modelling when I have the free hours, will update when its all done.
Other than that, I really love it. Good luck!
1. Mind's Eye Regalia
2. Threads of the Psy Blade
3. Templar's Exalted Battlegear
4. Threads of Fate
just off the top of my head. can use any you like, if not it's cool too ;D
gl, I like the overall feel that the armor set gives to her.
The sleeves are much smaller compared to the original (don't hang so far down), rigged to the top arm with a bit of the edge / bottom on the wrist should do the trick or (even 1 on original, one like that, creates variance).
She's a very "floaty" hero so getting motion that doesn't looks static shouldn't be a problem! And thanks!
The first items base mesh is complete and ready for zbrush, its under poly limit so don't see any glaring issues.
We've made a design decision and split the two sleeves up into seperate items (think 2 weapons or something).
With her default girdle and our shoulders you get 1 sleeve on her arm, and her default sleeve on the other.
With her shoulders and our Girdle you get 1 sleeve where her default sleeve was.
With both our items you get both our sleeves.
The decision for this was made due to poly limitations and the shoulder slot having a really high polycount (1350).
We will do tests to see how it blends with her default sleeve, but I do feel it adds a little bit of dynamic, as well as mix and matching with her default (we always take default items in mind). If the default sleeve and our sleeve doesn't match, we will most likely be switching to a single sleeve, and something else in the other sleeves place.
Finished base mesh for shoulder slot, only hair to go before heading into Zbrush and bringing the concept to life.
We made a few changes, we added a scroll to the other sleeve, breaking some of the symmetry and it also assists in helping tell the story of the animation, that sleeve being more rigid because its tied down (no cloth bones like other side).
More changes include just a bit of jewelery to the head, we had the space and wanted to add a bit more.
Here's full frames of the set.
Quality Control
I have done some QC with the original items as well as our other Lanaya set (Had very good ratings / popularity, so might get put in), to make sure no clipping occurs.
Although there are items in the game that already clip a little, we feel its a mistake that should try and be avoided at all costs.
Not everyone will have a full set, some will mix and match the way they like their hero, we want our items to provide people with that option, without creating a messy look!
Notes to discuss with partner
* slight change of sleeve shape to avoid clipping of current and future items.
* check saturation levels of pinks.
* any final tweaks
Set can be found below.
Video of it all in action.
I have been trying with dota2slasher as I read, but I only can make the default mesh dissapear but it dont show mine!
Thank you!!
p.s lol just scrolled up to look again and saw the link in your thread, it was you!
My only complaint is slight; the footage doesn't give enough shots of her running, but from what I can tell, the hair doesn't really have much life to it. Her normal hair bounces and weaves, but this hair doesn't move much. Combined with how it looks slightly "off" (it's very thin) and it ends up looking a bit like a curved spike on her head.
Saying all that, I am absolutely bursting with excitement. I cannot wait to see these items in-game.
Keep up the great job you guys!