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polycounter lvl 18
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peppi polycounter lvl 18
Looks like I might have enough time to work on this. I'm still meditating over ideas but I've narrowed it down to 3-4 character options, mostly for their creature slots.

Some ideas so far are:

Broodmother - Heavy Metal Sloth
Beastmaster - TentacleTapir/DragonDuck Set
Lone Druid - Amphibian Avenger
Lycanthrope - Feline Ferocity

..I'm kind of leaning towards the latter. Gonna do some sketching and see where things could go (and update the title).


  • breakneck
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    breakneck polycounter lvl 13
    Can't wait to see what you come up with!
  • tacit math
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    tacit math polycounter lvl 17
    very much looking forward to this. . .
  • HntrLuc
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    HntrLuc polycounter lvl 18
    This is a pleasant surprise! I'm always ready for more peppi art!
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter

    Lets see you win this!
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    looking forward to this! Good luck with it!
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    Awesome! more peppi in my veins!
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Would love to see some new pep stuff!
    All you old gents have no real excuse this is small potatoes for you. ;)
  • poopinmymouth
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    poopinmymouth polycounter lvl 20
  • peppi
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    peppi polycounter lvl 18
    Hey guys, thanks for the love :) I still want to tinker with the Beastmaster Tapir/Duck idea and do some sketches for that, but for now I think I'm gonna go with the feline theme for Lycanthrope. The full set would include replacements for head, armor, shoulders, belt, weapons, as well as the two beast slots, summoned & true form.. c&c welcome!


    Oh, and a silly question: how does one change the thread title? :)
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    PM Adam re: the title change.

    And HOLY Sweet JESUS that looks awesome!
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
  • bounchfx
  • Avanthera
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    Avanthera polycounter lvl 10
    Damn dude, really creative twist on it!
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 11
    Fuck me is right .. awesome!
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Holy shiiiii-!

    This is going to be amazing! Love the whole everything.
  • Isobel
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    Isobel polycounter lvl 14
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
  • motenai
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    motenai polycounter lvl 18
    I'm impressed O_O
  • .leshiy
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    .leshiy polycounter lvl 5
    so sweet =^__^=
    nice humor, man! Just do it!
  • Andyk125
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    Andyk125 polycounter lvl 4
    I'm impressed too, great work!
    It's the first piece that's great looking and funny as hell :)
  • zenpat
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    zenpat polycounter lvl 10
    Hell yeah ! Go peppi go <3 !
  • LuCh!
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    LuCh! polycounter lvl 5
    what? you're making a cat of him?! xP
    my idear for the Lycan just got totally pwned!
    love the little dude on his "wolf form",
    ooh and a small bottle of milk! (you would maybe want to make those small things a bit bigger though, the milk bottle and mouses, so you can see em from way up too! ;) )
    so yeah, not much to say except for F*CKING AWESOME!!
  • Pemaktitkis
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    Pemaktitkis polycounter lvl 7
    it doesn't fit him at all
    concept is great but not for this character
    lycanthrope transforming into a cat? how does this make any sense?
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    it doesn't fit him at all
    concept is great but not for this character
    lycanthrope transforming into a cat? how does this make any sense?

    Please, stick to actual constructive advice/criticism, let Valve be the judge of what fits their game. My banhammer is at the ready to prevent any contest threads turning into "this doesn't belong!" flame wars.
  • shanks37
    Please, stick to actual constructive advice/criticism, let Valve be the judge of what fits their game. My banhammer is at the ready to prevent any contest threads turning into "this doesn't belong!" flame wars.

    That is constructive criticism. telling people when they're wasting their time on an idea that isn't going to work might be rude but it needs to be said.

    As cool an idea as this is, there is absolutely no way that it could ever be implemented. at least half of his voice acting lines mention wolves explicitly and one of his abilities is howling at the moon. my advice is to keep brainstorming.
  • Pemaktitkis
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    Pemaktitkis polycounter lvl 7
    shanks37 wrote: »
    That is constructive criticism. telling people when they're wasting their time on an idea that isn't going to work might be rude but it needs to be said.

    As cool an idea as this is, there is absolutely no way that it could ever be implemented. at least half of his voice acting lines mention wolves explicitly and one of his abilities is howling at the moon. my advice is to keep brainstorming.
    thx dude, that is exactly what i mean
    i'm sorry if my criticism was too rude
    this dude has great artistic skills and i think that nobody wants them to be wasted on items which will never get into Dota store
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Perm let him be, if it gets rejected so be it nothing to get banned over in all honesty.

    Nice concept, it's good lol if nothing else.
    Love it but in the concept you are hiding his face which I think might not go over to well when "judging", cause it's almost a totally different character.

    Maybe half a mask like phantom of the opera.:shifty:

    \/ to the below.

    I think they state somewhere not to change the character so much so that he does look like a new character or else everyone would be doing that. I don't see the harm in it but Valve seems to, legal issues possibly, like if people start making wow designs as the case with one contestants entries at the moment.
  • LuCh!
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    LuCh! polycounter lvl 5
    I think the cool thing about this is that it turns him into another character!
    though the voice acting and animations could indeed be a problem,
    you could make it so that the little dude is a little wolf or something?
    I'm sure peppi can come up with something genius!
  • meshiah
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    meshiah polycounter lvl 17
    i think its the best concept yet,a lot of these peeps are getting way to wrapped up in lore etc when its not the focus or even a strong point of the game. your visual theme is fun, consistent, and one i would purchase. fuck, if you don't have time to finish, i would be down to combo just to see this in (when i get mine done).
    well done
  • danidem
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    danidem polycounter lvl 11
    meshiah wrote: »
    a lot of these peeps are getting way to wrapped up in lore etc when its not the focus or even a strong point of the game.

    Excuse me? So you think that the background and the history of the character it's not the focus? Obvious, it's not the strongest point of the game. But one of the most importants for sure, sir. Every character does have a background, a history behind it, and if you don't respect or follow that you are ignoring most of the character. Where they come from, what they are seeking... Otherwhise you can spam random cool designs anytime and that's easymode. Actually getting into the mode of the lore and trying to make something original INSIDE those lines it's the real challenge.

    Without a background history I can't say how this design can fit with the lore, but the design is HAWT.
  • meshiah
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    meshiah polycounter lvl 17
    to clarify, i just mean the game play is the focus first overall in this type of game(more chess than d&d).its not a deep story or narrative based game. so we dont have to let it rule us.

    i see alot of comments where people are limiting neat ideas, because of constraints of the lore which are pretty loose to begin with. we have everything from undead fatty's, to wisps, to drunk cats. so to say your idea can't fit in to me is bogus.the lore and kits dont factor into game play at all rather just support the universe, so ill take a hawt design over a boring design that really fits the lore.

    "Otherwhise you can spam random cool designs anytime and that's easymode"
    kinda like how the game was built from dota and a chunk of the designs are just strait up blizzard, with new lore(i understand why, these character roles are established).......the game play/design came first and the lore came later to support it. so when i do art for a game i take that structure into account.

    IMO its our job as artists to push the design and lore out if the idea is cool, as ive seen better game ideas from from the art crew than the design docs generally. but thats jut my experience.at the root i love your design and see no problem as a fun alt kit.
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    gentlemen, lets not let this discussion derail peppi's thread. Its his show after all, lets not poop on his kitchen table.
  • toxic_h2o
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    toxic_h2o polycounter lvl 14
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    ENODMI polycounter lvl 14
    Sick concept, hope it works out, Id love to see that in game:)
  • BrontoThunder
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    BrontoThunder polycounter lvl 13
    First of all; LOVE the concept, I think it's fantastic and would be happy to see it in the game.

    I would like to suggest that instead of just stomping out this conversation entirely we move it to a thread of its own, I feel it's an important discussion to have.
  • peppi
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    peppi polycounter lvl 18
    Thanks a lot guys - for the kind words and especially for the criticism. I wasn't too sure myself whether this whole were-cat/gnome gag might bend the character too much into something it is not, or whether it's actually just too flat. I guess I was trying to find something that goes a little beyond just a costume switch or purely cosmetic changes, and also something that I'd want to get for my own player. There's plenty of humor in Dota, so I wasn't really worried about that aspect. In fact the first thing I saw when spectating my first game was a flying pony. It probably all comes down to personal preference, but if I were to swap the default set of my hero for something new, for me it wouldn't really have to precisely resemble the personality of the original. Either way, I'm not married to the idea and you guys convinced me to keep drawing some more, which is good. I was planning to sketch up a few more ideas for other characters before committing to any 3d stuff.

    LuCh! - Thanks a lot, good point about those small pieces. I've updated the concept with these and some other tweaks and will replace the image in a bit (that was before I decided to drop this idea).

    Permaktitkis, shanks - it's in no way rude or anything, you're both totally right and I appreciate your feedback. That's the point about spending time with concepts, whether they lead somewhere or not, in most cases they'll help define what the goal is. His character aside, I hadn't thought about the VO at all. To be honest I didn't notice it very much while spectating, so thanks for pointing that out - it definitely convinced me. I also noticed that his wolf form has a particle system attached to his back which wouldn't quite work with the idea (and most likely isn't swappable).

    $inz - I tried to find that passage again, I think it referred replacing a hero with some existing character, as in, using someone else's IP? And elsewhere it said that the silhouette should remain roughly similar to the default one.. I can't seem to find it right now.

    So, what's next? As mentioned in the first post I'm mainly interested in the creature slots, and there are a few more hero options for that apart from Lycan. I think I'm also going to stick to the lore a little more closely. I did a few sketches for a Beastmaster set yesterday. Since the first two weeks are already gone I probably won't be able to get a full set done. It should be possible to make at least 3 or 4 things, though. New thread coming soon..

    Thanks again for the feedback everyone!
  • BoBo_the_seal
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    BoBo_the_seal polycounter lvl 18
    BAH!! I want the cat! DOOIIITTT!!!! :)

    - BoBo
  • Futashia
    incredible design! I love it! Honestly more power to you if you can make this work somehow I would definitely love to see this finished!
  • Anuxinamoon
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    Anuxinamoon polycounter lvl 14
    Yeah cat is awesome :3

    Keep your vision yours :D
  • danidem
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    danidem polycounter lvl 11
    "I guess I was trying to find something that goes a little beyond just a costume switch or purely cosmetic changes, and also something that I'd want to get for my own player. There's plenty of humor in Dota, so I wasn't really worried about that aspect. In fact the first thing I saw when spectating my first game was a flying pony. It probably all comes down to personal preference, but if I were to swap the default set of my hero for something new, for me it wouldn't really have to precisely resemble the personality of the original."

    Love this paragraph!

    Go for the cat peppy! I hear somewhere sometime that if you make people smile, it will work. And in my case, it did!

    Go for it!
  • DashXero
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    DashXero polycounter lvl 12
    I'd urge you to not drop what you've done already. Here's why: look at the freaking reactions, man! Anything that polarizing has got to be good!
  • EVIL
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    EVIL polycounter lvl 18
    I agree with the rest, although I don't mind to see more crazy DOTA2 design from you, I would not directly kill this one.
  • Waveripper
    Please, stick to actual constructive advice/criticism, let Valve be the judge of what fits their game. My banhammer is at the ready to prevent any contest threads turning into "this doesn't belong!" flame wars.

    How about you drop the banhammer and pull your head out of your ass instead.
  • Skiffy
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    Skiffy polycounter lvl 15
    Of course you do know you need to finish this one right? Even if you don't make this for the actual competition entry date. It needs to be finished and added to the dota2 workshop. Keep up the magic!
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