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[Dota2] - Nyx Assassin - Zealot Raider

One of the most destacables caracteristics of the zealot scarabs, is the chance of multiple metamorphosis that the minor casts can suffer over the course of their lives.
If needed, an individual specialized in an specific task can be bound to suffer a very unusual, and not less painfull transformation. In a particulary strange one, some common soldiers gain an incredible thick protective armor and sharpen weapons, becoming the selects raiders whose work is, often, infiltrate on dangerous territory; and on war, lead the charge ready to die first, but no fast; so their brothers can claim more victims.
Its unknown if the two mayor casts of the colony can suffer this secondary metamorphosis: the reproductives... or even the mythical and elusive assassin of the godess-queen; we only can imagine that if they could, it would probably be very useful...

Since the release of Nyx Assassin on Dota 2 I've been fascinated with his lore, and trying to come up with an idea for the contest I made an observation: in my opinion, the armor over NA body is almost ornamental, seems agresive yeah, but it has little to none defensive power, and absolutely none on the posterior part of the body. So I thought, ¿What would happen if we give this fearsome assassin also a more proper armor?

So with that idea on mind, at least for now my project its going to focus on a more defensive desing, rather than offensive.
Of course I'm not covering him in full armor and forgetting his purpose, I'm just taking a path with less "spikes", and more "plates", and to be honest I don't know if this its staying that way, but its a good start, and more important the original idea its going to be prevalent: not only make it look cool, but also have a reason.

So I just jumped in and made a quick and fast first sketch I had in mind based a little on real scarabs, I'll update later with another concept for the main armor I have in mind (updated), but for now I need to sleep:


Second concept, I'm kind of more pleased with this one:


And this ones could be posible horns, I also plan on change the head a little bit, but the horn its core for the desing of the rest of the head I think:


I still not sure what to do with the weapons, but well, I'll figure it out.

Feedback and sugestions are really appreciated!


  • Core7SO
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    Just finished a second concept, I guess I'm starting both models by now, so I can test how they perform and look in-game:

  • Core7SO
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    I'm starting to shape the basic form of the armor, I want to get the basics done today to get into the details that will go on the normal map:


    I'm also going to experiment with some asymmetries, probably on the shoulder pads, or the weapon's cover (2 spikes on one arm, 3 on the other) or something like that.
    This thread is so dead
  • mrpresident
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    mrpresident polycounter lvl 10
    Core7SO wrote: »
    This thread is so dead

    Baaaww keep your chin up :P I think people haven't been commenting because it's just too similar to the default armor for nyx, it needs something noticeably different and unique to spice it up.
  • Core7SO
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    Baaaww keep your chin up :P I think people haven't been commenting because it's just too similar to the default armor for nyx, it needs something noticeably different and unique to spice it up.

    Lol, thanks, yeah I kind of feel it, I blame it on that I suck with the tablet :shifty: and can't came up with something fully fresh just drawing, I'll see how things fare on 3D.
    Also its kind of hard to make a community driven desing when nobody says anything. Frankly, even a "shit sucks, start over" could be useful :)
  • JGcount
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    Sometimes doing something neutral is the worst on this forum - especially when there are so many threads on the same sobject. The pictures need to provoke some kind of reaction in people.

    That being said, I agree that this is too close to the original. If you want it to me more "armor like" I would exagerate it even more. Seems like you never went fully with your own idea. Look at some mideval armors and such. Original nyx has asian/little asian style
  • Core7SO
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    JGcount wrote: »
    That being said, I agree that this is too close to the original. If you want it to me more "armor like" I would exagerate it even more. Seems like you never went fully with your own idea. Look at some mideval armors and such. Original nyx has asian/little asian style

    Will look into, I actually based those early horns desings on pictures of helmet's ornaments on samurai's armor. I'll try to exagerate more the defensive aspect and change the design texture and details wise to make it more unique instead of use the valve desing with diferent layout, thanks.
    I'm also following your thread, keep up the good work :thumbup:; I wish I could doodle so well :)
  • Core7SO
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    Practically A MONTH without working on this, and now only a week to finish. College and exams got in between, but well. Let's see how far I can go, and if by some divine force I can finish this on time.

    By now, just a quick update on a more detailed mesh. I've been testing this with flat textures in game but somehow screenshots got kind of corrupted, I have to fix that, meanwhile here are some maya screens. Starting UV unwrapping as I post this, and further design will be done on the run, there is no time to waste.



  • Core7SO
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    Deadline its near and I'm way behind. I honestly don't know if I can finish on time, but I'll try. College has been mean this year.

    The detail desing I'll be doing, its some king of organic remains of the "mutation" that'd give the assassin his new armor. Its also easy and fast to sculpt after some masking:



    Some testing I did experimentig with deformation and masking diffuse atributes, I used some setting around the top raw, second option:


    And the final sculpt of the "scars" generated with the above negative inflate and some custom noise maps I quickly made in PS, along with some "beating" on the armor to show it has survived combat incursions before.


    Jumping now to baking maps. I already have the low polys for the armor and the weapons ready with their respectives UV maps.
    I'll be detailing the helmet sometime between tomorrow and tuesday, I just didn't wanted to do it the same way that the armor, its going straight to the portrait and I prefeer do it by hand.
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