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[Dota2] – Phantom Lancer – Seafarer



I quite like the back story of this character and also the fact that he doesn't have too much to start with, allowing for more options.

I want to try play on both the characters past and his present. He's from a simple fishing village, in my case one at the shore, and don't really know the world outside of that. So his armour will be playing on his very simple knowledge of that which is around him and sometimes even a bit tribal. Most of his gear would be from thing that either washed out(shells, wood, etc) or was caught by him(fish bones etc). They will be aged/worn out at times and some might be new. Then there is the phantom side...I want to try incorporate that, make it a strength as something that might bring fear into his enemies hearts. I will probably try create this by making him a mask(which helps the tribal part) from fish bone or a fish skull. I quite like the dead/ghostly look that you get from fish skulls and feel it might work for him. With texturing I would like to play with big, bright patterns/paint marks on top of the gear.

Im not exactly sure which parts I will be doing and how many? That will become more clear when I start sifting through my reference to create the concepts.

I'll try put together a 'collage' tonight.


  • Spudnik
    Offline / Send Message
    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    I like the helmet idea, keep in mind however that Phantom Lancer doesn't have a dedicated "head" slot for items so you'll have to include it with (probably) the shoulder item, which cuts into your poly count for both. Not saying it can't be done, just be aware. Best of luck!
  • neal_liddle
    @Spudnik: Thanks, I'll keep this in mind. I'm new to the workshop, so I've been reading a bit more and understand it a bit better now.

    Did a collage with some of the parts that I would like to include. I have started on concepts for the character's armor which I'll upload later.

  • neal_liddle
    Did some concepts during lunch...their rough but helps playing with ideas...
    I think I might have to scale some parts when it comes to the character.

  • Spudnik
    Offline / Send Message
    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Helm is not part of the orignal set, the polies for it will have to come out of some other item's budget.
  • neal_liddle
    Some shoulder armour test I did during lunch. I quite like how the shells naturally work as armour and the bulkyness of it.

  • TehSplatt
    Offline / Send Message
    TehSplatt polycounter lvl 11
    Aw mang those would be really cool haha i like 6, 14, and 8
  • Olphelia
    Offline / Send Message
    Olphelia polycounter lvl 5
    You can get some nice shapes from shells and these look interesting in terms of shoulder designs. I like the idea!
  • neal_liddle
    Thanks TehSplatt and Olphelia...

    @Tehsplatt: I agree with you on number 6, so went with that concept but just changed it a bit to make it more practical.

    @Spudnik: Thanks for the advice. I do feel that the mask does add a lot to the character and was what fueled my idea originally so will keep it in for now, unless it affects the rest of the model too much.

    I've done a quick concept(left) and model(right...very rough/placeholders and still need to add some items) during lunch. Does anyone know if were allowed to go away from the original color of the clothes? Do we have to keep to the color pallet?

    The weapon will come later...have some interesting ideas for it.

  • Thoss
    Offline / Send Message
    Thoss polycounter lvl 10
    Nice one, dude. Looking good, excited to see where this goes. Do you have any concepts of the weapon?
  • neal_liddle
    Thanks Thoss! I'm still busy playing with some ideas for the weapon. I'm hoping to have something soon.

    I've started blocking out part of the armour though. Still very WIP and might still change in proportion. I'm a bit scared that the shell might limit the arm movement so that might have to change. :(

  • foeffa
    Daaamn this looks cool! :D
  • neal_liddle
    Thanks foeffa! Helps to know I'm going in the right direction! :)
    Another update...

    Still need some of his armour, but this is all just to block him out in 3D...

  • neal_liddle
    Another update...added some more rough assets...need more time to work on this...
    I widened his waist to give the feeling of strength. Still want to add a net around the shell...

  • Thoss
    Offline / Send Message
    Thoss polycounter lvl 10
    Where's your latest update, it looked great
  • neal_liddle

    Thanks...yea, the color is definitely helping! Still a bunch of assets to add and still have to get to the weapon. Time is running out! 80

    Still have to do most of the lower half of his body...happy with his right shoulder...started working on the shell area to get that final and then on to the lower half of the body. oh, and also still have to do the other forearm shield. Then on to the weapon.

  • Thoss
    Offline / Send Message
    Thoss polycounter lvl 10
    Yeah, that's the one. Looks great, man!
  • ACap
    Offline / Send Message
    ACap polycounter lvl 9
    Very interestink idea, man. But I would recommend you to import low poly without texrures right into the engine, and check how things work, because it can be really frustrating to meet with constraints that will ruin all your work. Great job so far, Keep it up!
  • neal_liddle
    ACap wrote: »
    Very interestink idea, man. But I would recommend you to import low poly without texrures right into the engine, and check how things work, because it can be really frustrating to meet with constraints that will ruin all your work. Great job so far, Keep it up!

    Thanks ACap. It's a good point your making. I was just talking about that to someone today. I think I'll just take it in with the test textures before going further...this is somewhat unknown territory to me so better to get it out of the way sooner than later.
  • neal_liddle
    So this weekend I had the chance to test some of my assest as low ress objects. I must admit that getting the high ress onto the low ress was quite new to me and a mission at first. These are not the final assets, and the textures are temporary.

    I feel the shell color is a bit too busy, where his right arm's assets colors could be more contrasting(light vs dark). Will try do the left arm shield today and hopefully also get a chance to the lower part of his body tonight.

  • neal_liddle
    Realized that I've been baking my normal maps out wrong, so fixed that. Starting on the lower body today and hoping to finish it tonight. Will then do the lance tomorrow and use the rest of the time to finish and clean everything.

    Not too happy with HIS right arm where the ropes tie around...it looks too flat. Will try figure out a way to fix that.
    Also, still need to fix the shell color. Way too busy and doesn't read well at all.

  • Spudnik
    Offline / Send Message
    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Could you elaborate on the baking normals wrong part? What did you/didn't you do ?
  • neal_liddle
    I'm new to Xnormal that I'm using to exported all the maps. To export to Blender I had to flip the X and Y of the normals in the baking options. Come to think of it, I'll have to check which way they need to be exported for DOTA and not the software I'm using, but I can do that once I export the final maps.
    The difference is not as apparent as in the latest image the spec is also a bit lower.
    I have to say that the normals aren't looking as great as I was hoping(especially the ropes on his right arm), but will have to test once I've downloaded the "DOTA2 Test" which is taking forever.
  • neal_liddle
    A quick and probably last update. Been playing with baking textures of late and now started with cleaning up. This is a render of the high res version. I'm busy finishing off the weapon and then cleaning up all the textures and the two low res versions. Hopefully I'll get a chance to post my 2 low res versions before this weekend.
    Also got rid of the big rope as that was not working well with the silouette. Made the shell a bit more readable(color wise). The weapon's texture is still WIP (at the moment it's the concept 'baked' onto the weapon...)


    Now for the last push...
  • naruSol
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    naruSol polycounter lvl 18
    I think he looks cool and I love the concept, but I'm not sure he really looks like Phantom Lancer anymore. The mask also doesn't really seem to fit with the rest of it and that might be the biggest issue I have with the design. Retooling or just removing it entirely I think would do a service to both retaining more of his original character and making the design look a bit more complete.

    Other than that, maybe the hunk of driftwood on the arm could use some TLC.
  • neal_liddle
    Finally finished!! Thanks for everyone's help!

    @naruSol & Spudnik: As requested I got rid of the mask...thanks for that! The character works much better now!!!

  • Clyptic
    Offline / Send Message
    Clyptic polycounter lvl 6
    Looks pretty good
  • neal_liddle
  • cakeypigdog
    well done on this set. I really love the overall feel you have achieved. Your main image feels a little out of focus. Might be worth sharpening the low res version?
    Well done!
  • Konras
    Offline / Send Message
    Konras polycounter lvl 12
    Soooo much detail here!!! I really like detailed works, and that one really stands out!
    Fantastic work, really looking forward for seeing that inside the game.
  • neal_liddle
    @ cakeypigdog & Konras: Thanks guys! It took a while to get it to work. For a while it felt like I'm wasting my time and took a while to get used to the workflow, but really happy with the final result. :) I'm dead and really need some sleep now. X\

    @cakepigdog: which image are you referring to? I need to clean up the images for the individual parts. Didn't have time and didn't know how big they need to be. Will try do that tonight, just not sure if changing the images might be seen as working after the competition?
  • Gareth_Thomas
    Nice one Neal. So glad you finished, the set came out great! :)
  • LuCh!
    Offline / Send Message
    LuCh! polycounter lvl 5
    defenetly the most original i've seen so far for this character!
    beautifull details aswell, great work!
  • Thoss
    Offline / Send Message
    Thoss polycounter lvl 10
    Really like the way this turned out. Its on my purchase list :)
  • neal_liddle
    Thanks everyone!
    @ Gareth: Glad to see you also entered! Liking the character and the story!!
    @ LuCh: Thanks! :) I was trying for something different...glad to hear you find it original! :)
    @ Thoss: Thanks buddy! Also, thanks for all the support with the competition!
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