Here is a new project I am starting, I want to create the ghost sheet killer that was done by Noah Driver.

Here is my progress so far, the sheet folds are pretty much done. The body underneath is just blocked out. Comments and critiques are more than welcome.

Keep working on It, It's coming along but needs more loving.
The only thing bugging me a bit and It probably doesn't matter right now but later on if your going to make those torn parts at the 'would be' bottom might not turn out so well as a game mesh unless you just add a plane to the edges there, then add them in.
Just a suggestion I never made anything the way I described above, just my .02 cents on what I would try.
this is my reference
I read somewhere that with characters, our brains often equate curves with heroes and angles with villains. The best case for this argument that I can think of is Scar and Mufasa from Lion King: both are lions drawn very similarly, but the angles and curves in the line work clearly illustrate who the hero and villain are without any context. I feel your first attempt at the folds, although less realistic, was the most menacing looking. It also had more definition in the head whereas your current model looks like the head, neck and shoulders kind of smooth out into a less intimidating, more child-like, curve.
But in all honesty, character art is not my thing. I could just be talking out my butt and all you need is the texture work. Whatever the case, I'm looking forward to more progress.
Here is just an update of how the character looks underneath the sheet. I wanted to see if I had any proportion issues.
Just wanted to say this is looking awesome! It really looks like the actual concept art!
How are you planning to set up the sheet? Will it be a cloth that is physicalized ingame? A static mesh would look weird!
Wjmoosting: Thanks for the comment. Right now I dont know, Im going to have to talk to Rodrigo and see how he wants to handle the sheet.
Here is another update, I made the sheet wider in the bottom just like the concept. I made the sheet whiter, it was too brown. I also textured the face.
Insane work on the folds though!
Also were you planning on modelling out those machetes at all?
Some crits:
As bringmeasunkist said earlier, you are missing a lot of the really harsh angles that make the original concept seem more evil, the bottom of the sheet is a great example of this, while the concept has sharp points yous has a big wide boxy curve (red)
The overhanging sleave length is also wildly different, if your model was posed like the concept, the sheet would be dragging on the ground. (blue)
Your hands should be further in under the sheet, at the moment it makes him look like he has abnormally long arms. (green)
The shoulders as well are quite concave, I understand that this is because of the pose, but the convex, pointy shoulders add to the menacing nature of the concept.(orange)
On the texture:
Why oh why is everything tinted orange? He's too bright, look at the concept, everything is quite dark, muted colours.
Your colouring on the texture here:
looks a lot better, it could still be darker but it's way more menacing than bad spray tan orange.
I'm also not sure about the blood spatter under the eyes, while it makes more sense from a realism point of view, I think the concept's interpretation is better (looks like he is bleeding through empty eye sockets.
You could maybe have him wearing a ski mask underneath as well so only his eyes themselves are visible and that cheek section is that kind of infinite stare level of darkness.
It's a great start, but I reckon you could really turn this into something special