I'm Shyralon and currently learning Maya/Mudbox/Zbrush/UDK/whatever is interesting for me.
Since I really like Guild Wars 2, I decided to give the environment art test a try (just as practise!). Because it's a personal project I give myself about 5000 tris for the final model, but I'll try to stay under 3000.
Here's what I've got so far:

Still more or less highpoly, don't know if I really need a highpoly like that, but I want to practise retopo as well. Currently working on the lowpoly.
I'd love to hear comments and, most important, critique from you!
Not to be rude, but I don't think you needed to hard surface all those beams. Just make one beam and duplicate it
What's the thing with these tiling texture? I don't have that much experience about texturing yet, so my plan was to unwrap the lowpoly when it's finished and create the textures in photoshop.. Is there a better way with tiling textures? If yes, how?
Tiling textures are basically textures you can tile in either x or y or both, without getting seams. If you wanted, you could have a mile long road using one 512x512, tiled along x.
Here's an example of one:
That one only tiles on x (if you stack it on y, you will see a seam)
Try googling some tiled or seamless textures and play around with them in maya. Most 3D apps will autotile the texture you import, so it's just a matter of scaling the uvs to your liking.
Here's some more info : http://wiki.polycount.com/EnvironmentSculpting?highlight=%28\bCategoryEnvironment\b%29
Here's an example of a tiling texture I did. Notice the brick with the hole in it at the bottom; there's 3 there so the texture has tiled 3 times along x and twice along y in that screenshot
Hope that helps!
Hey Shyralon,
I recently posted a bunch of my process shots from GuildWars 2 that might be of help to you. Here is the link and the first post would be most applicable to what your working on.
Good luck!
Jason Stokes
Very cool thread, I think i get an idea what you mean with the texturing, thanks a lot!
About 2300 tris.
And here a few marmoset pictures:
Anything I should change on that before making the uvs?
I hate doing UVs, so if anyone knows a good tutorial about making them...
What do you mean with unique unwrap? Like unwrapping every part (like roof, doors and so on) itself?
What you should do is start from making handfull tileable textures, and unwrap over them.
Finished UV mapping, started working on the textures.
Wood, Stone and grass are WIP for now.
And here's the roof texture I made:
And here's a screen with my crappy normals applied: