this project is a little like the Brawl challenge that poly count held some time ago. My Goal to create a final model to work within engine.
so far i'm only in the concept stage but modelling shall be started soon!
i was wondering if i could get some feed back on my work it hopefully will be able to improve it!
starting with the silhouette phase.
mainly just to experiment with the shape of Ibuki.

from there i took the ones that had promise.

I'm about to start colouring her but i'm unsure which on to take on.
i do like the idea of just remaking her same cloths just give her a different more realistic body. but at the same time there is a few nice grey scales that could give a good final model.
so i went and did a few adjustments.
as he said it really does effect the final out look of the character.
I must say though I am not super thrilled with your concept work so far. Most of the silhouette thumbnails, as well as the greyscale renderings are not really recognisable as Ibuki, nor do they seem to incorporate much of her design or otherwise invoke her character. The first row of concepts in particular are very puzzling to me, but most of the ones that aren't slight variations on her original design don't really look Japanese, or for that matter ninja-like. The ones that are based on her original design seem to have a few bits and bobs changed for change's sake, not really to improve or make anything more interesting.
Not all is lost though, I do think you've got seeds for some decent concepts here.
First off, looking at your silhouettes, the fourth one in the third row is by far my favourite. The ripped shoulders and armour looks great in silhouette, and it's very easy to imagine her wearing something ninja-like. I also quite like the fifth silhouette in the first row, the bulky profile reminds me a lot of Ninja Commando from Captain Commando.
Of the greyscale pictures I think the third one in the third row is clearly the best. It reminds me a bit of Maki in Final Fight 2 or Natsume in Ninja Master's. I'm still not really sold on it though, the big bow on her belt kinda bothers me, and I wonder what you have in mind for her head.
To be frank, I think you need to think a little more about the design. What's the general idea behind it? How will it reflect the character of Ibuki? How/why is it different from her original look? To me, what you have posted so far show both a lack of direction, as well as a lack of familiarity with typical ninja tropes/design elements. For that reason I would recommend that you spend some time researching and studying ninja designs as well as traditional Japanese garb in general, and find elements that you like that you think would fit together well in a design for Ibuki. I'll start you off with a folder from my reference library with various kinds of Japanese-style character/costume designs that might help inspire you. I'll also gladly share this Ibuki redesign I drew last year.
Lastly, I urge you to spend the time necessary to nail the concept before you throw yourself head-first into the modelling phase. Putting more effort into the concept phase will not only give you a stronger design for your character, making sure you've worked out all the tiny details ahead of the time can also save you a lot of headaches getting stuck trying to figure stuff out while you're modelling.
Good luck!
I see what you are saying in regards to my concepts seam kind of lost. I think i am going to go back and do a little break down on Ibuki on what makes her her. then go back and see if i can get anything out of the work done so far.
Also thank you for the reference images i have done a little research into ninja stuff but it was only a quick glance over ninja gaiden design work so the extra inspiration really helps.
I still will be taking the design back to basic's.
I would like to mention a few things. Design 3 was based from Ibuki's original design by Oman Dogan along with design 10 this was based from her school girl clothing.
I was trying to keep things muted with the colours because Ibuki colours are quite muted.
its something i did plan on adding in and because i was going to do the hair for some reason i stopped drawing it in which is a huge mistake by me...
so! i think i will be going back to a few different concepts updating them and reposting them for a little more feed back
What do you think??
so i picked out some of the better silhouettes and produced some grey scales i would really appreciate some feed back on them!
my personal favourite is 8 but the only problem is the design is very similar to the original this isn't a bad thing but i just wanted the design to be pushed a little more.
and runner up, i'm not sure 7 is nice the strings across the holes add a little difference to character plus showing off her stomach and 9 just because its a bit of a twist but it doesn't stick to the basics very well... you have the mask and the wrist protection but the lack in holes causes a little problem...
i think i will take design 7 through to colouring there is a few adjustments i want to make to the design first.
last post of the night before bed then an early start with fresh eyes to then tell my self i have done it wrong!
right now i like design 7 because of the orange wrist guards really adds to the design though the rest of the colours on that design i'm not 100% on
design 8 well i think we can call that the lack of sleep hitting me...
any ways! any feedback would be very much appreciated if you think up of a cool colour scheme let me know and i will give it ago!
this little project is turning out very big...
last thing thank you everyone that has given me some feed back so far you really have helped give me a better design hopefully the final model will be awesome because of you guys!
very true Burtonyang, i have just ended up just slightly changing and this was something i didn't want to do! i did have a play around with armour but it just didn't seam to fit to the character i guess that just because of my bad drawing. Doing silhouettes is kinda of a new thing for me and i think i have been doing it slightly wrong... i going to go read over The skillful huntsman and see if i can get anything out of it! and thank you both for the feed back
another little update
as i said i'm not happy with the design and i think i shall be changing it again! but its all in the name of a better final design.
to be honest no i didn't, i went in with no idea on what i wanted just started scribbling with no direction and it has really made the final design suffer because of it.
I think some direction with the work would have helped i have been thinking about aiming it in a different direction like a nazi uniform or something along those lines. I'm going to play around with a few sketches at the weekend and work out a final design by Monday hopefully!
Thanks for the advice!
so my progress
Zbrush sculpt, everything was done through Zbrush other than the base of the female body. Learnt a tone of new technical stuff doing hard surface within zbrush,
On to the colour design
Texturing is apparently my big fall down point. There is a lot that needed fixing and reworking
Decided to have a little play around with the design go a cell shaded because why not...
But my final posed version of the model ended up looking like
Excuse the bad posing still learning to rig within max...
Any critique is welcome...