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UDK - Renaming Packages/Copy Data not working?

polycounter lvl 12
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Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
Heya to all,

I was wondering if anyone could help me sort out a small issue. I have some assets in UDK which need a major renaming overhaul, but for some reason aren't propagating the 'changes', not matter what I do, and in some cases telling me to piss off and that it doesn't want to do the work for me.

Here is what I tried so far:
-Renamed assets in their default packages (but they broke links) example of this is Material Instances aren't copying the 'new' Master Material name.

-Copied assets to a new packages with a new name, AFTER copying them, rename them to new names, doesn't work.

I tried a few small other things based upon other threads here, but for some reason UDK keeps on breaking links or refusing to save copies from existing packages.

Anyone has any advice? Cheers.


  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    There's nothing 'small' about a renaming upk/assets issue in unreal. It's one of most black-magicy parts of the engine :(
    But here's some tips I've found to be helpful:

    -be sure you ALWAYS rename/move the assets in the content browser, via the right click menu--this is weird that it doesn't propagate references for you

    -copying assets and deleting the old ones is not a good idea.

    -Never try and rename a package in windows (or ever). Instead, move/rename all the assets in UED to a new upk, and save both the old and the new upks.

    -Never try and rename an asset to a name that USED to exist already in your packages. Example: A is renamed to B months ago, And now you try and rename C to A, because A had a good name..Unreal won't like that. Unreal holds on to invisible redirects pointing A to B forever, unless you run a commandlet called 'FixupRedirects'(iirc). unfortunately running commandlets begins to get beyond what normal art peoples do, but it's not suuuuuper technical.

    -Be sure you save both the OLD packages and the NEW packages, or else unreal will try and repopulate the old package.

    -Never DELETE a package entirely. If you have a dead package you want to delete, you can instead move it out of the /content directory (in windows). For example, at a past gig we created a __Trachcan directory outside of the level of /content and put all deleted upks there, and that way they'll still house the redirects until you run fixupredirect. That may or may not be a standard method, I don't know.

    -make sure that all the packages you're trying to work with are writable(not read only) and are inside the /CONTENT directory (it will bark at you if it isn't).

    -If you try and rightclick>delete an asset and it won't let you, that's because a redirect is loaded into memory. Sometimes it's something obscure, like a Texture2d node in a material somewhere(yes, they seem to hold references to the original textures you assign them, which is really bizarre). Or it could simply be the UNDO stack (open and close kismet--that's a trick that at least *used* to work to purge the undo stack. might still work).

    Maybe something there gets you on the right track--goodluck!
  • NoisyMonk
    I absolutely despise Package and Asset management in UDK. However unlikely, I still pray everyday that they are planning an overhaul.

    I find myself just doing a reinstall and reimporting from scratch every so often. Obviously a huge waste of time, and not possible for large projects, but sometimes the only option.
  • Ace-Angel
    Offline / Send Message
    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Thanks guys, and I guess that's it then, I need to manually fix everything, ugh!
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