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[DotA 2] Sand King - "The Reclaiming Sands/The Heart of the Desert"

Hello, this is going to be my first submission of any sort outside of school and I hope I have the knowledge and skills to do so.

I have decided to create "items" for Sand King because he is one of my favorite heroes in the DotA universe and I was able to come up with an idea I have not seen so far.

I have two possible names for the item sets for Sand King them being "The Reclaiming Sands" or "The Heart of the Desert". They are both similar concepts of which I have not 100% decided a name for and am still trying to decide how exactly I want to portray the design. I will be sure to provide some doodles when I get the brain juices flowing.

The concept is a kind of "skeletal" Sand King where his armor is deteriorating and I was hoping to have his heart, being "The Heart of the Desert", showing through the rib cage. The majority of the design is of the bone structure with minimal "flesh". The parts of the armor are going to be new models and textures of the different body parts(head, shoulders, arms, legs, back). The only concern I have with this concept is the compatibility of the different parts of the set to the default model for the hero and would greatly appreciate any feedback.
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