So i finally stop being lazy and final got this model done so that i can comfortably move onto other things i really want to achieve and do.
I really dont want to be that guy that says he loves art and wants to be a game artist, but does nothing...and there is no other way to prove that then to show that i actually do work, by posting stuff up here here it is, the final stuff for this character.
Posed Render (Marmoset)

Other Posed Renders (Marmoset)

Wireframe (Xoliul Shader 2)

Either way, let me know what you guys think if this updates i dont really know, either way ive put it up

i plan for everyone to see alot more of me, as at the moment i dont think i can call myself an artist.
Thanks guys

Old Message
Hi Everyone!
Im kind of new here so dont go easy on me please :P This is what im working at the moment and i was kind of hoping i could get some help on a few things that im struggling with at the moment.

Im struggling to get a fur effect that suits the style of the model, Im personally looking for a more thick and chunky fur rather than fluffy, but im just not quite sure how

any help or any general crit would be much appriciated

Thanks alot everyone
the above comment however made me want to point out that your shoes look like they are on wrong foot. the shape of the sole is not like a peanut, it has little to no inward curve on the outer edge.
And maybe the color here is not good. You see the face with pale skin really pops up because everything around is darker : dark hair, dark shirt. So the hat should be dark to to maintain this. If you make a fur almost the same color as the skin, the face is less readable.
Everything else looks reaaaally good ^^.
MM - Thanks for that, very good point! ill get on fixing that! thankyou
Texelion - about the same, i can see what you mean, ill have a little play and bring the shape out more.
Also what you say about the colour is a really good point, i didnt see it that way, ill darken the fur and see the outcomes thankyou
another thing i'd like to add is, that you're clothes look pretty thick but the wrinkles are very tight and tiny and partially kinda random, as you#re already in the lowpoly stage i guess its too late, so maybe for the next time
Im glad you like him
You make a very valid point, and like you said it will be something for next time, im doing a few characters that follow in a similar style so all a learning curve i suppose! but thank you for your feedback, really appreciated
This is what i whipped up quickly in a hour or so, any thoughts?
and haha my bad, yeah i do mean Hoarder :P
Looking good so far! Personally, I like the fur on the left. What type of fur are you going for? Wolf? Bear?
I wasnt 100% sure on the type of fur if im honest, i was mostly trying to go for a fur type that had more of a chunky feel to it but wasnt too off putting, similar to stuff like Darksiders etc.
next week i should get it finished as ive got time off
Im a little stuck though
Thanks for any advice