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[DOTA2] - Doom Bringer - The Exiled Armaments

The overall Concept draws on the *colors of his base design. Below is an attached lowres sketch.
The original hat was going to be a fedora or 12-Galon, but I *was steered away from such a comical style (for now).

UPDATE 12/2: Finished, and submitting to workshop. Will include pastebin links for my cloth and QC codes (which could not be uploaded with the rest of the submission for some reason)
Cloth: http://pastebin.com/V07cqX5K
belt.QC with definebones & heirarchy: http://pastebin.com/r884UXfV

UPDATE 10/30: Managed to get the coat into the game to test cloth. Video is poor quality due to recorder (I think). Also has texture issue.

UPDATE 11/6: Finished the textures, very happy with them. Going to re-apply the cloth, develop a video of some sort, and upload. Thanks to everyone who helped me with this project!

UPDATE 11/17: Arm slots complete, finishing up helmet and sword slots to take advantage of 2-week extension. If time permits, I will attempt to get particles and cloth working again in the submitter, but I am certain that this will only happen if the particles are assigned to the base sword and not the hero itself.


  • Lam
    The shoulders and tail look awesome, but I dunno about the hat... doesn't really fit the theme.
  • Starcofski
    Lam wrote: »
    The shoulders and tail look awesome, but I dunno about the hat... doesn't really fit the theme.

    Which hat? There's two variants (though given the size it's a bit hard to tell). (Will edit this with an in-progress pic once Imgur is working)
  • Lam
    Both. It's just a bit strange seeing Doom Bringer with a hat like that. But of course if you want to stick with that, go ahead. I actually think it looks kind of funny. Just not sure if it would fit the game's overall fantasy theme. It sort of reminds me of those people who posted top hats for pudge onto the workshop. Awful. Anyway, do what you want, and good luck with your project!
  • Hellmouth
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    Hellmouth polycounter lvl 11
    You should keep in mind that Valve isn't as carefree with Dota 2 content as they were with TF2, therefore the cowboy hat could easily cost you. An alternative would be to somehow adapt the shape into a helmet, for example. The rest of the set looks good so far.
  • Qwiggalo
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    Qwiggalo polycounter lvl 8
    Starcofski wrote: »
    My biggest concern is the ability to include animated textures (fires). Those will be the biggest limiting factor in my view.

    The way you would do fire is adding a texturescroll variable to the VMT. You can't edit the VMT and every item uses the same VMT on game load. If there isn't a scrolling texture for the hero you plan on doing you can't add it to your item.
    1. TextureScroll
    2. {
    3. texturescrollvar $detail1texturetransform
    4. texturescrollrate "0.2"
    5. texturescrollangle 55
    6. }

    But if there is, you need you paint where it will go in your detail mask which is Red channel on Mask1. Wherever you paint a value of 1 (White/255 Red) is where the detail mask will be visible.

    Doom Bringer uses the VTF "doom_burninating" as a scrolling texture where his detail mask dictates.

    And regarding the concept, please don't give him a hat. Change his horns or something creative, but don't make him into a cartoon character or gumpshoe bringer.
  • Kend
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    Kend greentooth
    i like the concept except the hat is a little off to me but im looking forward to seeing more. :D
  • Starcofski
    Qwiggalo wrote: »
    But if there is, you need you paint where it will go in your detail mask which is Red channel on Mask1. Wherever you paint a value of 1 (White/255 Red) is where the detail mask will be visible.

    Doom Bringer uses the VTF "doom_burninating" as a scrolling texture where his detail mask dictates.

    And regarding the concept, please don't give him a hat. Change his horns or something creative, but don't make him into a cartoon character or gumpshoe bringer.

    I am confused if you're trying to say that there IS a VTF already, or if there isn't one. Also I'm starting to understand the bit about the hat; I'll rethink the helmet and delay it for now. Update on the shoulders below (low poly). The highpoly ended up being just under the maximum, and I was forced to cut the chains (179 poly) for the Low. If I want to re-add them, it'll have to be as a plane.
  • Qwiggalo
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    Qwiggalo polycounter lvl 8
    He does have a scrolling texture. The first sentence was a general statement about scrolling textures on heroes and the one about the specific vtf was about doom bringer.
  • Starcofski
    OK, so here's a second pass at the concept drawing. I've been unable to make use of the VTF file (or moving textures), so I'm hoping someone can figure out (or valve posts a guide for) adding particle effects. Most of my favorite helm ideas seem to demand them. Below I did a second non-particle helmet, but it doesn't feel like a real fit (and reminds me of Nyx Assassin).
  • Lam
    Starcofski wrote: »
    OK, so here's a second pass at the concept drawing. I've been unable to make use of the VTF file (or moving textures), so I'm hoping someone can figure out (or valve posts a guide for) adding particle effects. Most of my favorite helm ideas seem to demand them. Below I did a second non-particle helmet, but it doesn't feel like a real fit (and reminds me of Nyx Assassin).

    aww yeah, now THAT is an awesome helmet. I love it.
  • Starcofski
    Lam wrote: »
    aww yeah, now THAT is an awesome helmet. I love it.

    Which one? The Trihorn, or the Flamer? Also this is my progress for the day. Went from concept to most of the modeling completed in a day. Now just to decide on how to proceed and detail the models a bit more.
  • Starcofski
    Alright, not much was done today. Unfortunately I am still struggling on some of the more advanced portions (such as adding cloth sim, and adding particle effects). These might take the majority of the 6 weeks and I HOPE Valve got the email asking for clarification/info on the subjects.

    As far as progress, modeled the low-poly of the helmet (still adding details and such). Also set up bones for when I do manage to set up the cloth (in an attempt to recreate Mark's success in the main thread). For comparison, in the helmet pic, there is a smoothing modifier applied to half (but I am unsure if that modifier compiles into any of the allowed formats).
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    Be careful, there's a limit on how many bones you may add to custom items. I don't remember it off the top of my head but it's in the requirements somewhere.
  • K-PAX
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    K-PAX polycounter lvl 7
    Spudnik wrote: »
    Be careful, there's a limit on how many bones you may add to custom items. I don't remember it off the top of my head but it's in the requirements somewhere.

    we can add the bone? Are you sure?
  • Spudnik
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    Spudnik polycounter lvl 13
    As long as it attaches somewhere in the original bone hierarchy, yes. Though I don't know how to do the cloth simulation yet, check out the Dota2 workshop thread in Pimping&Previews, somebody did some amazing research on that there
  • Starcofski
    @Spudnik: in the Tech Reqs page, it does not state a number for how many are allowed, just that if they feel it's excessive they will contact you (or something).

    The original workshop thread is also where I got the idea to include cloth. Originally it was planned to stay as normal geometry.
  • BliTxXeN
    I dont think that a Soul Cowboy suit is theme fitting, you should really look up to that, it changes drastically how the people look at the set.
  • Starcofski
    Ok, so Obviously this set needs a new name. I still want to keep the western theme, but he isn't a cowboy anymore. Apparently I need a new name; I'll try to think of one before the next update.
  • Starcofski
    Quick update; starting texture work for the shoulders. Trying to figure out a good way to do the indentation (not much luck so far). In terms of the material, I am attempting to adhere to the original style as much as possible.
  • Starcofski
    WOO, ok so it compiles and animates properly, all that's left is to finish the texture work (and prepare the LOD0 UVWs).
  • Starcofski
    Fully rigged and UV'd the coat tails, plan to tweak and test those this weekend. Possible replacement names for the set:

    1) The Lone Demon
    2) Garb of the Red Star
    3) Order by Chaos
    4) The Fire's Light
    5) Vindicator's Vestments
    6) The Exiled Armaments
  • Starcofski
    Realizing that I might not be able to make the particle effects or cloth work, I'm designing alternate item slots to meet the 3 item minimum. Best case, I end up with a full group. Below are 4 sword basics; I tried to go with something that was slightly different from the other swords, but they might be a little too lightweight.
    Also, would love some feedback on the names from above.
  • Starcofski
    Ok, so it seems that the planes (coat tails) aren't properly loading, or rendering, or the bones aren't set up properly or something.
  • Starcofski
    Been a while since I posted; figure'd I show an idea.

    Just in case I can't get the cloth or particles to work, I ended up polishing up and texturing the tail model I made. Decided to try and adhere to the western style as much as possible, so I styled it after the good ole' fashioned Rattler. You can also see developments on my coat tails texture (which I am trying to design as leather, but still working on it). Best case scenario: I can add the fire particle from the sword to the tail tip (as original desired). Guys, Really could use some feedback now, as I am starting to get to the final phase of polishing the texture work!
  • Starcofski
    OK, so here's a shot of the tail in the compiler (in it's current form) I feel like the texture isn't strong enough (compared to the above image), so I'll probably darken it's effect. Also the white line appears to be a bad idea without the coat tails, probably will remove that.
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Hey starcofski, nice to you here at the contest!

    sorry for not appearing earlier

    that is amazing, i loved the asymmetrical sholders, and looking forward for this tail, i would like to see it in game
    i always think that the doom bringer is really well made but the sillhouette over dota´s camera angle are not good, that probably will add to a better one =]
  • Starcofski
    @Tvid; things are about to get better. Once I manage to work with Mark, get the mdl files to load in the test client, and trigger cloth properly, then the hard part is over. Sidenote: The tail was updated, there is no longer a light line along the sides, and the base fades to black to match the rest of the body (in case someone uses the standard belt). My biggest uncertainty is, if I were to make a weapon, what it would look like. His animations only allow for a heavy blade, and that's nearly been done to death. I came up with this little one today, but still might not feel right.
  • Starcofski
    Got the coat to load, cloth simulates fine. Still need to figure out how to make it not clip with the legs though.
  • Starcofski
    Updated first post with an ingame video of the coat tails. Going to play around with the values to try and make it look better. BUT SUCCESS HAS BEEN HAD! Any ideas for removing the checker pattern though?
  • Starcofski
    Ok so after testing, I felt that having glow on the cloth section was a waste, as it would be barely visible. quick screenie of the new runes that were moved to the upper solid portion; clearing time for a major session tomorrow in order to finish adding particles to the tail, and decide if I can/want to have new armguards.

  • Tvidotto
    Offline / Send Message
    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    everything is getting really good, nice work man =]
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    I really like the robe.

    The one tiny thing that bothered me (it bothered me in my own design too) was the ambient occlusion of the chain that's baked onto the base body.

    If you can find a way to put something there, it would definitely patch that area up.
  • Starcofski
    @JacqueChoi; unfortunately, I am already at my budget limit for the shoulders (391/400).

    And, unless Valve wants to be Bros, they won't alter the base texture. While it is a problem to have that baked shadow there, I believe that keeping that there restricts your options (and mandates you reserve polys for something to cast the shadow).

    I won't be changing my design; but I hope there's a solution for this.
  • Starcofski
    BUMP! Updated the first post with a video showing off all the finished textures and geometry. Will be working on presentation from here out!
  • Starcofski
    Bad news; after the latest patch, it is no longer possible to have cloth simulate in the workshop submission interface.

    I believe this might either be a fix, or I was encountering a bug.

    In either case, at this point I'm just going to submit the geometry with notes about what I was prevented from doing (or something).

    Going to try and design a better helmet, arms, and weapon this weekend, since it seems either this won't be done in time, or I will just be submitting the raw geometry and models with the label "Some Coding Required". =/
  • Tvidotto
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    Tvidotto polycounter lvl 9
    Starcofski wrote: »
    Bad news; after the latest patch, it is no longer possible to have cloth simulate in the workshop submission interface.

    I believe this might either be a fix, or I was encountering a bug.

    In either case, at this point I'm just going to submit the geometry with notes about what I was prevented from doing (or something).

    Going to try and design a better helmet, arms, and weapon this weekend, since it seems either this won't be done in time, or I will just be submitting the raw geometry and models with the label "Some Coding Required". =/

    you could try to compile the old way!
  • Starcofski
    @Tvidotto: compiling the old way isn't a valid submission anymore, remember?

    Anyway, gonna try to come up with some hat designs tonight. Came up with a preliminary sword and arms concept, arms seemed to fit so went ahead and made geometry for that (damned 250 budget is terrible!) NOTE: The hat shown below is not the concept anymore; only the sword and arms are new. Sword needs a little tweaking, and hat needs to start from scratch.
  • Starcofski
    Six helmet concepts. Extremely rough, probably won't find a fit in this set. The hat is just such an easy out at this point. Personally, I like the horn style of 5, combined with the split-ends of 2, all mounted on either 3 or a hybrid of 4 and 5.

    EDIT: Came up with a helmet composite, and re-touched the sword. This is my semi-final concept, going to block out the helmet from my existing helmet.
  • Starcofski
    Quick update: Featuring Geometry and basic texturing of the armlets. Might tone down and change the glyph markings to make it less cluttered, but the concept is there. Helmet got a quick re-design (minor, horns only) and I'll try to get that started/done Thursday. For today my goal is as far as possible on this piece.
  • Starcofski
    Ok, put the arms in the compiler and I gotta say, it doesn't look bad for a first pass. Going to reduce/remove the shinyness on the leather, and unbind from the wrists, since that just tears the geometry far too much. On the plus side, looks good so far, and I didn't see much clipping.
  • Starcofski
    Just a quick update; postponing work on the sword (even though the model is complete) because I'm struggling with texture work (making the metal look, you know, hot). For now, here's the low-poly for the helmet. Comes to 543~ Tris. Not sure how well it works with what I have so far, but I still like it anyway. Gonna try and get some texture work done for this tomorrow, as well as polish up the high-poly.
  • Starcofski
    Quick update! Unfortunately, I will not have access to my main computer for most of the holiday (work will resume Sunday 11/25). However I wanted to post what it all looks like together here, thanks to Ace-Angel's shaders (http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=110022&page=2)
    Mind you, the sword still needs mask1, 2 and the normals map, so currently it looks weird (will update this picture later tonight if I can get basic versions of those done). And to clarify: there appears to be a lighting issue with the horns. I am currently trying to tackle that, but I have a feeling that issue is limited to this preview only.
  • Starcofski
    Hey everyone, had a great vacation, ready to finish this up! Below is a picture of my progress as of 11/25. Still going over the sword's coloration, and the helmet's glyph design and highlights. ONE WEEK REMAINS!
  • Starcofski
    Today was rather a slow day, I feel. Spent most of the time tweaking the sword's materials, still not satisfied yet. But I wanted to add two pictures; one with a question.
    Picture 1 is a shot of the sword in the compiler, and I feel that the existing glow on the slot actually detracts from the sword itself. The second picture is a shot of the full set with my custom helmet, and with the original base helmet. I want to do a mini-poll as to whether the new helmet should be completed (low poly model shown), or if I should pass on that and commit to just refining the sword?
  • Starcofski
    I know it's a small pic, but thanks again to Mark.N for his help. I decompiled and edited the doom skeleton to change the location of the particle effect to where I wanted it (except I couldn't remove the glowy bar part). Unfortunately, I could not put the attachment point for it in the model file, which is my next step for this weekend to try and do.

    EDIT: It appears that, in-game, the glow stays on the tail, but the fire effect jumps to the sword again. Going to try isolating it to the tail next to see if that helps any. Wish I could get the cloth to work, but one thing at a time I guess.
  • Starcofski
    My biggest weakness; Graphic Design X.x First attempt at a miniIcon for the workshop. How bad does it look?
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    The thing with the tail probably won't be allowed until they can organize how we are able to do It as "custom craftsmen" but at least you learned how, if they do allow It nice touch.
  • Starcofski
    Actually, I pretty much have it set up so it just needs 1 line in the QC. I plan to include it in the dev comments. I also plan to give pastebin links for the .cloth and .qc files for the belt to further reduce input required.

    Though I am somewhat worried about getting enough votes to keep up with the other entries; most any of my items have gotten so far is shy over 700.
  • Starcofski
    Well guys, it's done. Currently submitting all the pieces to the workshop, will post in the completed thread once I can confirm they're all uploaded.
    Thanks to everyone who helped!
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