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Character needs critique

polycounter lvl 9
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Bumper polycounter lvl 9
**Now with images!!**

Hey all,

This guy is the farthest I've gotten with a character amid a number of stops and starts, half done sketches and muddy disasters.

I've learned a lot working on him but feel I've hit a wall and am in dire need of outside perspective.

He's based on a guy from a Diane Arbus photo, though I lost the likeness a while back. I reckon I'll sweat portraiture a bit down the road. Right now I just want a character that reads as an honest to goodness human being.

My end-goal is to bake him down to a game ready mesh, with alpha's planes en-lieu of the helmet hair.

Your critique would be greatly appreciated!







  • Bumper
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    Bumper polycounter lvl 9
    Bumping this back as apparently my images only showed up on my computer. It took me all day to figure that out of course. :poly127:

    Thanks for looking!!
  • ghostwriter
  • Bumper
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    Bumper polycounter lvl 9
    no eyelashes?

    Yeah he's missing those. indeed looks odd. Good call.

    I wasn't sure how those would be handled down the road when he's baked down to a low rez mesh.

    I guess it would be a matter of a series of segmented planes for each lash.
  • SINtuition
    Great char! I'm impressed with the skin color and definition. It's a little off-putting for me to see such a (no offense)disgusting face paired with such a clean well groomed body.

    The expression of the lower jaw makes him look derpy because the muscles are very relaxed and the tongue is just resting on the lower lip. The expression in the ref 'works' because the tongue is pointed and pushed against the upper teeth, with the lower lip being stretched around it.
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    Wow, that's definitely different. I say define the antihelix of the ear a little bit more and knock back the protrudence of the lens of the eye a bit. Other than that, keep going.
  • zakhar2
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    zakhar2 polycounter lvl 6
    Nice sculpt, but his brows look like they just got waxed which doesnt really fit with the ref. It just seems a little weird to have them so perfect on such a gross face, but maybe you just havent gotten around to it, idk.
  • Bumper
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    Bumper polycounter lvl 9
    SINtuition - Thanks! Yeah my use of derp on this guy is a bit off from the references derp. :)

    garriola83 - Cool thanks! I was going for different! Oh man, ears are my nemesis. I'll work on that antihelix and pull back the bulging lense.

    zakhar2 - Thank you. I agree his brows look far to manicured and a bit high on his brow now that I really look at them.

    Thank you all for your comments!
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