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[Dota 2] - Slardar - Treasure from the deeps Set - (Looking for a co-worker on this)

polycounter lvl 11
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Starboxx polycounter lvl 11
Hi polycounters ! So, here is my first idea of set for this contest. I don't even really know why i started on Slardar, i just kinda picked one in the list wich has his model ready.

I am pretty new to 3D, and a bit lost when it comes to the masks / exporting / shaders / bones, so i am looking for somebody wich is interested about the concept or, would like to go on an other hero with me doing the concept & a bit of 3D for it.

What i know i can do is, modelling the object, uvmapping it, bake normal maps, hand paint the textures, but for the rest... Maybe i can but i'm a bit lost, so since i can't go any further without help, the concretisation of this project really depends if i find somebody to work on this with me, & release it as a collaboration for the contest.

What i did so far is opening the slardar_model.ma, delete the bones (beceause i really don't know anything about it), replace the materials by lamberts (beceause i don't understand anything at the shaders originally into the .ma file), put the color textures on it, and screen to start painting over in photoshop.

Here is the result after about two little hours of painting / concepting.



  • DotA Fiend
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    Your armor pieces are absolutely perfect for Slardar don't change a thing! I also love the scar over his left eye keep that as well! I really hope you team up with someone to complete this. Please also consider giving him an awesome weapon and maybe some more gold armor on his fins and tail.
  • Starboxx
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    Starboxx polycounter lvl 11
    Thank you, but finally i'm going for a doom bringer set (didnt posted anything yet), maybe i'll continue this slardar set for the workshop after the contest.
  • B.Cobra
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    hello to be honest im a big fan of this hero and i think it would be great idea to continue developping it with some ideas.
    I got only 1 comment about this armor which is that u could take the scar on the middle of the eye would be great.
    Keep up the gd work and gd luck with ur DB set!
  • grim1234
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    I agree with others. You hit the spot perfectly with this. It just fits this hero like a charm, unlike many other ideas people are posting. Keep working on it, seriously.
  • Starboxx
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    Starboxx polycounter lvl 11
    For the scar, i can't change it, since it's a part of the body model, and you can not alterate it.

    Anyway, i am facing two problems, so i dont know yet if i will keep going on this project :

    First is, i know how to concept it, how to create the base mesh, sculpt it in zbrush, create a low poly, texture it... But over that, i really don't know how to do, so i'll have trouble to finish this entry. I was expecting that somebody would be interested to collaborate with me for this project, but nobody asked.

    Second is, i already started working on the doom bringer set, and i like it more, personally, and since i dont have so much experience, i dont know if i will have time to finish both in 3 weeks. (here is the thread i just started)
  • artquest
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    artquest polycounter lvl 13
    Id stick with Slardar if I were you, It's harder to stand out if you pick a hero that is pretty popular imo. I've seen a lot of posts about doombringer. Also... bobo the seal is doing a doom bringer item set... I don't know about you but I'd never want to try and out do bobo when it comes to creating demons hahahaha :P
  • Starboxx
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    Starboxx polycounter lvl 11
    You are probably right, haha. I'll try to sculpt the shoulders today, maybe it will motivate me to come back to this idea.

    But anyway, i'm not doing this contest to win. This is more a kind of learning path for me, since i'm a begineer in 3D and never finished any game object.
    I'd be very surprise to be able to compete against all those experienced guys working on this contest.
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