Hello Polycounters ! i have finnaly made a website to condense all my work and professional experience , im waiting until some NDAs clear to post newer work , but nontheless check it out ! Im available for freelance work .
thanks guys ! i will be adding more stuff soon as the NDAs clear
the site itself is VERY simple , it uses dropbox to create the projects, i dont have to code a single thing and its all fast and seamless, my friend Filipe did a great job with the creation of this template, i will show him what people thought of the website so that he can believe when i tell him its great for an artist portfolio
*sigh* "regular" Dropbox is blocked at our company so the only way I can see your images is by changing the image links from http to https. No idea if this is common at other offices but if it is changing one letter would hopefully make it work for everyone.
Awesome work though (although I haven't checked all images yet
Hey guys thanks for the comments i think i fixed the dropbox issue not beeing visible in some companies, please let me know if you still cant see the images ! thanks
im also going to upload my cherub and dux paintgun with textures for people to take a look incase they want to study it !
Hey guys , i have uploaded my Dux Paintgun and Cherub Gun texture and LP for you guys , i just resized the images down but i think you guys understand why anyway hope you guys like it !
Notes : i used 3ps shader with quality mode to display the normals.
the site itself is VERY simple , it uses dropbox to create the projects, i dont have to code a single thing and its all fast and seamless, my friend Filipe did a great job with the creation of this template, i will show him what people thought of the website so that he can believe when i tell him its great for an artist portfolio
Awesome work though (although I haven't checked all images yet
Congratulations dude, you should be proud!
im also going to upload my cherub and dux paintgun with textures for people to take a look incase they want to study it !
more stuff coming soon...
Notes : i used 3ps shader with quality mode to display the normals.
more work coming soon !
Cherub Gun
Dux Paintgun
images of the work im refering to ( thanks Scott ! )