The belt is too low (and personally, too wide), the arms are long, and the torso is too long. The legs are the only thing in proportion with the head, really. =P
It's all only in small bits, but together those can have a large effect.
edit: of course, that's going by average human proportions. If you want him to be tall/greek-ideal, you should lengthen the legs and enlarge the pelvis a bit.
my base mesh.
The belt is too high. the legs looks so short because of that. I think. tell me if i'm wrong thx
It's all only in small bits, but together those can have a large effect.
edit: of course, that's going by average human proportions. If you want him to be tall/greek-ideal, you should lengthen the legs and enlarge the pelvis a bit.
Any crit would be awesome.:)