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Alcroft International Studios, One best option for outsourcing solutions.

Alcroft International Studios is specialized in 2d/3d CGI Animation, Game Development, Web Animation, Web Designing, Programming & much more. We provide all kind of animation production solution for outsourcing. Apart from that we are trying to start work on our I.P.

We have served many satisfied clients like, Triad games, NGC, Scorpion Games, Nexfox, FOG, ACME Digitals, Blue Bug Entertainments, etc. You can also view our latest gaming project with Triad games in their website.

If you are looking for outsourcing your project, we hearty welcome you.We have experienced animation CGI artists available for cheaper work at a high quality. If you have any works to give a try with us. We are more than happy to have a transparent and long term relationship with yourself. We appreciate your data security, for that we have our client area on our website. Client can upload data to our secured Mac Server protected by BitDefender Antivirus & Server Security System.

Check our new website Aired now,

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Alcroft International Studios
Pune, India
E-Mail : kalyan@alcroft.org
Web : www.alcroftinternational.com
Skype : kalian.69degree
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