I would love some critics on my concept. I am trying to make this semi practical. Its a ground vech that transforms into a flyer with hub-less wheels that have tread tires on it. The design is somewhere in between a crotch rocket a helicopter and something from unreal.
The top bit will be turning into a gun turret instead of having a rider because that would not work out too well for the flying (unless you are master chief of course)
Also thought about giving this vehicle a halo theme to the materials?
The above renders are just more progress shots. I plan to add an engine and a large turret gun to the top of the vech. Any Comments or design critics would be great at this point
Nice concept!
We understand how that vehicule can land (even if it's look like a little hard, but it not the same thing about how it can take off from the ground.
It seams there is something as a stabilizer, which is missing to make that vehicule stay in position while the weels rotate. But maybe it's me who missed something ^^,
Ulwaen, did you mean a stabilizer for the rear wheels? Also the 3 tier shot is the take off not the landing. (I was not too clear on that was I) By the time this project is finished I hope to have a take off, landing and it moving around in the air and on the ground. Then I can better show of how it will work but first things first. Gota get the model done, texture it, and rig it.
Ok so a little update here, The posted image is showing what i still need to work on in the various colors. I would really love some direction on this at this point. The things that need work are the Frame in Blue, the lights in purple, the gun in green and the engine in red. I would say help with the engine is most crucial. Just want to make something that fits and looks believable in design. Any and all help from you all would be great. I am defiantly the noob on this thread.
I think what Ulwaen meant with stabilizers is that the vehicle has to be fixed on the ground while the wheels transform outwards. As for now, the wheels are the only thing making it stand, so it would need some kind of stabilising feet as mobile cranes or some fire vehicles have for example.
Would you find it feasible for the heli blades to start up and create the push out needed to keep the back afloat while it takes off and lands? or does that seem too impossible? What I mean is the blades are at full speed which then pushes out each rear wheel to rise and the thrust generated by the angle of the blades would help it lift off. I will be on to rigging soon so i hope to be able to show off an example of what i mean soon and if i need to add additional bits to make it work i will. Tell me if i am making any sense to you.
Finally carved out a day to get some solid work done. And here is what I have been up to. I finished up the gun turret. It's modeled after a South Korean Super aEgis II. I have also added loads of detail's to the engine and modified the frame a bit. I am going to add a police Grill Guard to the front of it and that should just about do it for the modeling unless anyone has some suggestions!
It also changed the look and stance of the front end. The suspension is now connecting much higher. It will be far easier to rig and animate. I also feel that the design is alot more pratical
Hey everyone, I am finally rebooting my project and making the scope of it alot larger. It will now include a chase scene and another vehicle. Here are some basic concepts for what i am planning. I am going to post up story boards later tonight.
Ok so due to time restrictions I had to totally change my direction and shorten this by a good bit but not to worry! My number one concern in all of this was to still tell the entire story but in less time and will less shots and I believe i have achieved that. Here is the basic animatic.
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aK2aV_WBk8o"]Gratton Brian Capstone Animatic.mp4 - YouTube[/ame]
The top bit will be turning into a gun turret instead of having a rider because that would not work out too well for the flying (unless you are master chief of course)
Also thought about giving this vehicle a halo theme to the materials?
We understand how that vehicule can land (even if it's look like a little hard, but it not the same thing about how it can take off from the ground.
It seams there is something as a stabilizer, which is missing to make that vehicule stay in position while the weels rotate. But maybe it's me who missed something ^^,
Here is the animation I turned in for a final project. Tear me apart people this project is far from over!