Here's a scene that I started last week for fun. My main goal is to make a detailed looking jungle that could possible be a death trap in one of my favorite games in recent years, Dark Souls. I still need to do a final texture pass and spend time with the lighting. Thanks for looking!!!:)

here is what it looked like a couple days ago

It doesn't have to be a big change, but just that subtle change will change it for the better and you'll perceive it as less noisy as well.
Here is a quick paintover to show my point:
I agree that it needs some kind of focal point to draw our attention. You could consider adding some fog to separate the foreground and background. For the lighting, I would push the saturation on either the browns or the greens to avoid a general gray-ish look.
On that note, the environments in Dark Souls often had a monumental scale and some kind of massive element that tied the theme together. That might be the kind of thing you want here, depending on what you're thinking. Maybe there's a ancient tree or a python waiting at the end of the corridor, or something like that. It would give the scene a 'story' - I only mention that since you brought that game up.
Pretty cool start so far. I'd love to use CE3 for something, there's too many UDK users like me.
A little bit how I went about making the hanging moss. It was an experiment that turned out pretty good and was way more fun than messing with photo ref
small update with some new grass and lighting tweaks (think i'm gonna do a daytime version too). Tomorrow I'm gonna make a couple more vines , make a vine decal to place on rocks, and place 2 more plants that I made tonight.
thx AdelScott!!!
As for the scene, looking real nice now! I would experiment with FogVolumes over the water, not too much but it could definitely help with some depth. Keep it up.
Gonna call this good for now even though it could use more love. I'm planning on creating a much bigger sci fi/jungle environment soon so this was kinda just the test scene.
Might require a nice highpoly sculpt but it would look awesome.
here are some normals from hp geo that i used for the vegetation
If you're still doing a night version, I have a suggestion for lighting:
Just my 2 cents - the night lighting setup you had before seemed like it had a little too much color variation given that the moon was the only light source.
I know you said you're avoiding god rays but... come on god rays are sweet
Awesome work dude, keep it up!
Looking awesome sir. I like the day version, but if you go with the night scene, add some torches or campfire to give some warm colors and help set the scene a little more.
Also wondering if in your day scene, could you make the shadows a bit darker, might help pull out some contrast and accentuate the depth of the image. (slightly flat right now)
Gonna call daytime good and move on to night. Played around with warmer and cooler temps.
camera angle though, having the semi straight object contributes a lot to the composition of the scene and leads your eye better imo.
Played around with night version a little. I think I'm going to start removing some detail from the water around so it's not so noisy.
time to move on to something else i have planned