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Can I do just props?

can I? is it realistic? or am I much better off being an environment artist? I think making environments are boring, I'd much rather do mechanical, props, robots, guns, vehicles.

I've been doing some freelance so far but the pay is extreamly low.
Do I have to go get a degree in design or photography? or can I just continue working on my art and hope to get hired?

What is the best thing I can do to make a living at game art?

My best idea now is to make a video of a short stage in udk where I've done all the enviro work, with some very bad/simple kismet to run the rest.


  • EarthQuake
    Well you can sort of break "props" down into two things:

    1. Less important assets, crates, barrels, trash cans, etc. "Filler" props.

    2. Gameplay specific props, weapons, vehicles, hero type assets that will be focal points of levels etc.

    1. is going to pay a lot less than 2.

    You certainly can do only props, but you'll have to be able to do very high quality work to be able to do more #2 than #1. Being able to do really high quality hard surface high poly models, plus being really good at baking those down to your low are the skills you'll really want to focus on, and of course texturing.
  • NautalusX
    sounds great, thanks eq. I've already focused much of my time on hp and baking normals so I think im on the right path.
  • gsokol
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    gsokol polycounter lvl 14
    My best idea now is to make a video of a short stage in udk where I've done all the enviro work, with some very bad/simple kismet to run the rest.

    If you want to be a prop artist...dont waste your time with anything else. Just show badass props/weapons/etc...

    Like EarthQuake said...there are definitely positions where you don't focus on environments. A lot of studios have Prop Artist, Vehicle Artist, Weapons Artist positions.

    Also..you don't need a degree, you just have to be really good...you compete with a lot of extremely skilled people.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Thanks for posting this, interested to hear what people say. I too am most interested in doing just props (from basic, to hero, to vehicles)
  • NautalusX
    Yeah, interesting. Any prop artists/ wannabe prop artists who'd like to network with me add me on msn, danielmanion@hotmail.com
  • Visceral
    Hurrm just a thought here, if you can handle making large props like tanks and hero props, its highly likely that you can handle crates aswell.

    Just sayin
  • Rurouni Strife
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    Rurouni Strife polycounter lvl 10
    I'd also like to point out that at Turbine (where I currently work) the 3D Artists here only make props. It varies between a hero prop, filler prop, characters...it really depends on the strength and requests of the artist.

    For an example, I see myself (and was previously) an environment artist so I request environment props.

    So the short answer is yes, do what Earthquake said and you'll be fine. More experience also equals more pay so keep working.
  • SouthpawSid
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    SouthpawSid polycounter lvl 7
    I was hired with "prop artist" on my contract so I'd say it's possible ;)

    Like others have said, if you really want to focus on being just a content creator like that, don't even bother with doing enviros. Stick to killer hero pieces and kick some bootay.
  • NautalusX
    Thanks guys, really inspirational. I've asked on other sites and they make it seem like you HAVE to be a environment artist to get hired.

    just trying to put in perspective what im trying to do here, hoping its not similar as trying to get into 'hollywood'
  • scotthomer
    Controversial Advice from myself here, so I expect a good ribbing from the people as a result :D

    I, like you, only really wanted to do Props when I started working in games, and I endevoured to do so. However shortly after I started working in games I realised that the composition and general resolving, designing and building of an environment is where the art is (not including weapons and characters of course). There is ALOT of technology (aswell as outsourcing) that can make props faster and cheaper than you can. I mean, we're at a point now where you can take several photographs of a prop and with some clean up have a photo realistic mesh on your pc in a matter of hours.

    That being said, I love making props and it is definately one of the best parts of the job, I just wouldnt advise specializing at this point in your career. Sow your oats so to speak, do as much as you can in the field of games art before deciding what you eventually want to do forever. Im glad that rather than just making props, I pushed myself to learn to composition and environment building, as I know that (hopefully!) regardless of changes in technology, a PC can never really replicate the artistic vision behind a level, it can however make "barrel_rusty_a". This isnt to say "dont specialize" but you should definately think about your end-game, the future of games is "more, quicker for less" really, so being able to build a level that looks asthetically and compositionally pleasing is often a very sought after ability.

    Have fun! make mistakes, you never know you might really enjoy Environments once you get the hang of it.

    Good luck.
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