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Scpulptris ROCKS!!

polycounter lvl 7
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DavePhipps polycounter lvl 7
I just downloaded and tried sculptris. It's freakin amazingly easy to use.
I have no clue yet how to render anything in it or I would post a pic. Suffice to say that I've made a female bust in about 10 minutes (fast for me). This was with no reading of documentation. It's got a great easy to understand interface that was simply intuative.
Give it a try while it's still free.

BTW betwen finding this software and doing the Noob Learning Challenge I'm not going to get any homework done. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning :)


  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    I wonder if they fixed up some of the OBJ importing issues yet? I haven't really used Sculptris all that much, but I can vouch for its accessibility being greater than Zbrush.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    If they made the skill of zbrush & sculptris more similar I would like sculptris more.
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    I really like Sculptris, it's simple and I prefer it's default camera controls over Zbrush. When I worked on my last full model I used it in conjunction with Zbrush and it worked out well (this was before Dynamesh though). I just did the work in Sculptris, retopo'd in Blender and then projected the sculptris sculpt onto the retopod mesh before finalizing everything.

    In terms of rendering I think the options for it are in it's Options menu, which you access on the big button near the top of the interface.
  • DavePhipps
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    DavePhipps polycounter lvl 7
    OK I found it. This is not for C&C, it's just to show how fast a total noob can make something in this program.
  • Fomori
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    Fomori polycounter lvl 12
    It's great for an intro into sculpting or getting concepts roughed out quickly. Now with dynamesh in Z Brush I don't think I will touch Sculptris much any more though. One problem with Sculptris creating detail as you go is that it's easy to hit the limits on your machine. Z Brush or Mudbox you can subdivide to what your computer can handle, but with Sculptris it's easy to get half way through detailing your model and suddenly your machine starts to struggle. Kind of annoying.
  • Jedi
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    Jedi polycounter lvl 12
    I hate that sculptris only has 11 layers of undo and has no redo. Once i found that out i uninstalled it. Its not even close to being serious.
  • WarrenM
    Well, Pixologic isn't going to let it get TOO good. They want you to buy ZBrush, after all...
  • sprunghunt
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    sprunghunt polycounter
    Well, Pixologic isn't going to let it get TOO good. They want you to buy ZBrush, after all...

    The interface in sculptris is so much easier to use than zbrush though. I hope pixologic really learn something from it.

    But here's a pic of something I made a while ago in it. (from the WAYWO thread)
    bust of pallas/athena by sprunghunt, on Flickr
  • DavePhipps
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    DavePhipps polycounter lvl 7
    Jedi wrote: »
    I hate that sculptris only has 11 layers of undo and has no redo. Once i found that out i uninstalled it. Its not even close to being serious.

    Yeah, but it's free, that's very important for those that can't afford Zbrush.
  • MainManiac
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    MainManiac polycounter lvl 11
    Zbrush is one of the cheapest 3d softwares though
  • Joseph Silverman
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    Joseph Silverman polycounter lvl 17
    Sculptris is great. I know I recommended it to somebody in the hangouts emphatically - was that you?

    It also has some of the best smoothing controls in 3d art, thanks to the decimate/optimize brush, you can easily crunch an area down hard and smooth it to obliterate detail.

    Some of my older/shittier sculpts were in it:

    [1] [2]
  • Bellsey
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    Bellsey polycounter lvl 8
    the irony is, of course, that the way you work with Sculptris is very similar to Mudbox. :)
  • kaptainkernals
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    kaptainkernals polycounter lvl 12
    Well sculptris was originally developed by one person:


    Who was subsequently hired by pixologic to work on I can imagine dynamesh (speculation - I don't really know).

    And they bought up sculptris in the process.
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    i'am really only doing hardsurface stuff, but i gave it a try some time ago
    first human & first sculpt in one go as you would say
    sry for the quality, had to go way down with the quality because of filesize =(


    i might get used to it
  • makecg
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    sprunghunt wrote: »
    The interface in sculptris is so much easier to use than zbrush though. I hope pixologic really learn something from it.

    I think it's a little unfair to say this, Sculptris was created by a single person as a free software with a limited set of tools, I mean there is literally a couple of tools at hand, and extra ones cannot be made or saved. Simplicity is the keyword here.

    ZB on the other hands has a plethora of tools, which can be very easily customized in the UI as you see fit, hence why they need to be hidden, because unlike Sculptris, they cannot be exposed to the user without flooding the screen.

    I understand that ZB looks daunting to work with, and even a few years in it, it still is, but you can almost customized everything in the UI, taking off an afternoon or two to bring up the shortcuts and UI in a way that you want isn't too hard, nor should be an issue.

    Still, I think Sculptris is indispensable for anyone who is working with free tools a la Blender.
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    Ace-Angel wrote: »
    Still, I think Sculptris is indispensable for anyone who is working with free tools a la Blender.

    I would agree with this sentiment. Sculptris' simplicity makes it more user-friendly for inexperienced digital sculptors. But it also hampers what can be done with the tool. Many of its professional competitors wipe the floor with it in terms of features. The advantages of Sculptris are the dynamic mesh tessellation, the simplicity, and the price.

    Of course, this makes it a fine tool for less experienced indie developers who just need to get some quick, decent models for normal-map baking. More robust sculptors would probably opt for Z-Brush or Mudbox, but there is definitely a place for Sculptris among indie developers.
  • Gestalt
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    Gestalt polycounter lvl 11
    One of the main reason I would still use Sculptris for roughing out forms (as opposed to dynamesh) is because with Sculptris the mesh surfaces can touch/approach eachother without merging.

    If you are doing a character and you want folds, limbs, anything that could easily become compromised by dynamesh (such as anything overlapping or in proximity), then you don't want to dynamesh. I'd say with Qremesher now on the table, a good approach would be to rough things out and get good forms and volumes in Sculptris (specifically for organics), and use Qremesher to get the sculpting topology (subdividable, clean for sculpting). If you decided to take the Sculptris level of detail a bit further it's easy enough to project that detail onto your new subdividable topology; the important thing is that the forms are still there and not overly generalized and merged.
  • DavePhipps
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    DavePhipps polycounter lvl 7
    Just a small hardware note. I'm now running Sculptris on a TC4400 convertible tablet/laptop. It's got a Centrino Duo core 1 gig of RAM, and an Intel 945 graphics card. So far no problem sculpting and using the integrated Wacom digitizer makes life easy. It's no Cintiq, but I can still sculpt directly on the screen with a pressure sensitive pen (256 levels only)
    I'll see how many polies it can take this weekend and report back.
  • baalnazzar
    I was testing it before it went to Pixologic. I remember it was very handy for quick scetches. Especially organics. I'm sure it gives lot of fun for those who starts with sculpting too because of it's simplicity.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Man I just had this uninstalled. =\
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