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Low Poly Modeller (and Animator) for Free Multiplayer FPS and Zombies

My name is Mike and i own a small Indie game company called Manta Games, our website:
http://www.mantagames.net/ has almost hit 10,000 Members!
(The site is also half way through a significant rebuild so it will look better down the line)

Im currently working on a free Multiplayer FPS. This project has been in development for quite a while and i was looking for someone who was better at modelling than my feeble attempts to create models such as Guns with decent looking textures. Atm we are using Guns from other games (we had to do the animations ourselves however the base model is from different games) but we want the game to have a more unique feel, it would also be really awesome to have more low poly environments so that our maps can look better however still run well.

Email: Michaelpw11@hotmail.com

I would really appreciate anyone who is interested to atleast check out the project:


ATM this game will be free, there might be some donator mode where people who donate get updates early just to make a little off the game (which would evenly be shared between the team) However at the current time the game is aimed just to be a game which is fun to play and made to be played.

Our hope is to find someone who wants to be a part of our team and to provide some awesome models! Im sorry i can't offer any payment however if furthur down the line, anything we make does get money then i will definately provide some money!

Thanks for taking your time to read this :D!
Hope you all have a pleasant day!


  • D4V1DC
    Offline / Send Message
    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Just pointing out:
    (which would evenly be shared between the team)

    Only the site admin and or holder of the account that receives donations will be able to view the amounts donated, how would the "team" even know when you have received any donations?
    That is were most projects like this become a problem, not that your a bad person I am not saying that at all It is just how the person willing to help will see the situation. (If they're thinking that is.)

    Best of luck all in any event.
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