Hey guys, I've been wanting to make this thread for a bit now, but I decided to wait until I was a decent ways into the project.
I'm redoing an old WIP that I had earlier in the year, I can't believe it was only five monthes ago. Here's a video that I made. (Awful in camtasia)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoESkBSD_uo"]warhammer environment WIP 2 - YouTube[/ame]
So yeah, not very good, zero use of the grid, no planning, no lightmaps, some zfighting in places, it was just a mess.
Now with this second go around, I planned out every single modular piece I was going to need, and put it all on the grid to make it work as planned, and I think that my result is definitely better than the previous. Of course I'm still not done of course, I need to finish texturing the assets, placing them around, make the centerpiece, particles, lighting, etc.

Just the basic modular pieces in cryengine

and then the pieces that have been textured so far in UDK.
Concept is from the Warhammer Online game:
http://ageofreckoning.warhammeronline.com/sites/war/files/images/styles/gallery_image/public/WAR_concept_mar09-02.jpg theres the link to the original concept art
I'm 100% open to crit

figured I would post an update. Got all the pieces textures, and of course, my poor planning abilities bit me in the ass and I had to go into max and make a few new pieces to get this to work, but I'm pretty happy with it. I probably won't be able to update much until next weekend. Open to any crits or comments
So i'm gonna call this one done. I'm pretty happy with it and I've learned a lot about planning ahead and modularity.
You have some really nice assets in your scene, i think you need to spend a couple of days just tweaking everything to push it and make it a really nice portfolio peice.
some sand and stuff on the floor would be nice to break up tiling :]
sorry for double post :]
1. sort out the floor, you shouldn't have that highlighted cross pattern going on... it's almost like you whacked on an edge detect overlay and called it a day, but it totally and utterly kills the scene. you need to make sure there's almost no contrast between the middle and the edges of each floor panel... they're supposed to look old, dusty, and worn from sand damage.
2. like proximity says, you need to look into some sand buildup and skeletal remains to really bring the place to life and make it believable as a ransacked/ancient tomb.