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WIP of my own Hero

Hi there Polycount peeps

This is my first post, and what this is, is my guy-hero for my own personal story. Now before you all rip into me, i know the proportions are exaggerated, they're done purposely, and meant to have a stylized feel. This is a Wip of him, nude, before armor and everything. Let me know what you all think/critique. Thanks in advance for checking out my stuff.







  • natetheartist
    Offline / Send Message
    natetheartist polycounter lvl 9
    Looking like a sweet start.
    First thing I noticed is that the calf muscle is concave on the outfacing side. He needs some more girth there, and the legs could be a tad bigger to fit the concept.

    The fingers seem a little tall (not long) miiiiiiight cause some rigging issues.
  • dirigible
    Offline / Send Message
    dirigible polycounter lvl 8
    I like it a lot! I could immediately tell that your proportions were intentionally stylized, which means that you're doing it right, and pulling it off well. There's a lot of character in your sculpt.

    The only thing that bugs me is his hands. I'll 2nd what Nate said about the fingers being a bit tall. I personally think fingers look both better and more correct if they are slightly wider than they are tall. The thumb also has a weird, stubby shape. It's very thick, and the webbing between it and the palm seems extra big. Liquifiiiiied
  • SmilingMoOse
    Ok folks, gotcha, critiques noted adjustments will be made. I dig the thumb/finger critiques, they are a bit thick, lol. I see that too now Nate about the legs,

    thanks peeps
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