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Hopefully sum1 can help. How do I stop the "fingers" from merging...how do I control the dynamesh merge range?

I wish to keep the dynamesh rez low at this stage...Thanks in advance.


  • Visceral
    Cant you mask it off?
  • BaNaNaSpliTTer
    1st thing ive tried. "mask needs to be cleared in order to dynamesh"
  • Funky Bunnies
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    Funky Bunnies polycounter lvl 17
    i think your dynamesh resolution is just too low.

    Dynamesh is weird compared to a polygonal mindset... its way more fancy but it basically takes a 3d grid over the workspace in your scene, cuts that 3d grid up by the resolution slider like cheese cubes, then it smooths out your volume by the blur amount, and generates your topology based on how your volume fits into those 3dgrids of cheese cubes.

    So 2 things you could do to avoid that finger-merging is lower the blur, or increase the resolution. Lowering the blur will probably make your higher dynameshing look chunkier though. :)
  • Scruples
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    Scruples polycounter lvl 10
    Increasing the dynamesh resolution will allow it to find those gaps. You might be better off separating the hand as a subtool. (slice-curve brush)
  • BaNaNaSpliTTer
    Already tried both methods...yes...increasing mesh rez stops the finger merging...however, its "undesirable" for "blocking" out basic forms...I dont "require" intense poly counts at this stage...as im sure any1 understands....

    There must be a way of isolating...basically masking areas that you dont wish to be merged when you commence a dynamesh operation.

    ideal scenario right now would be to mask the fingers...let dynamesh know I dont wish for these to be merged....it calculates like normal...i unmask+go about my business. "hopefully it would remember the areas I protect from merging"

    Soz if im repeating myself...im just in "delirious mode" right now ^^,
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Dynamesh is intended to be a basemesh creation tool. I think really you shouldn't be worried about the high polycount it creates because it doesn't have to take you all the way to the end of the sculpt. Likewise, you don't have to worry about it preserving certain details. Set the resolution as high as you need to in order to get in your main details captured (like the fingers), then run it through qremesher. You'll then have a mesh that has your fingers, the overall form, and something you can subdivide and sculpt on as needed.

    Another small thing to note, but qremesher can also be used to remesh local areas, so you could get the extra geometry you need in the body while preserving the hands as they currently are (if you wanted to work that way)
  • BaNaNaSpliTTer
    I will defo try this...I know most people always say...I THOUGHT OF THAT ...but in all honesty I have kinda thought maybe qmesher is the answer somwhere down the line...you "may" have just helped me.

    Gonna eat...destress...then hopefully sing your praises...thanks for blowing some fresh oxygen onto the smouldering embers of help. ^^,

    cheers...defo gonna try this...think this is gonna work.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    The big downside to keep in mind is that it is much slower to calculate compared to dynamesh, which can seem near instantaneous at times. If that's the speed you're looking for, you're going to be better off cutting the hands off, continuing to block out and dynamesh the rest of the body, and then do a final merge/retopology towards the end to get it back to one mesh with a smooth connection.
  • Chase
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    Chase polycounter lvl 9
    Bring up your resolution and hit the Project button under the Dynamesh menu. It should make it so you don't lose the detail. I'm new still relatively new to Zbrush, but just my 2 cents. At about 4 min in part 2 of this tutorial
  • BaNaNaSpliTTer
    Increasing rez+enabling projection works...however...it doesnt help me work the way I like to (I dont like sculpting blockout stuff on high rez geo)...doesnt make sense to me.

    Ive basically come to the conclusion that im going to detatch the fingers+toes...deal with that later...even though I prefer to work on things as a whole...bad working habit engraved onto my brain?

    Thanks for all replies...it has helped me deal with this in 1 way or another.

    Still be nice to see some "flexibilty" in terms of do I really want to be detatching things just because its merging stuff I dont want merging. Something Pixologic need to look into? Why should I have to compromise my work style due to software limitations?

    Again cheers...this isnt life or death...just stress+time wasted.

    feel free to delete post. Cheers again.
  • BaNaNaSpliTTer

    Not my "ideal" way of working...but its a solution.
  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    Still be nice to see some "flexibilty" in terms of do I really want to be detatching things just because its merging stuff I dont want merging. Something Pixologic need to look into? Why should I have to compromise my work style due to software limitations?

    Dynamesh is still a newer feature, and will continue to be improved on while leading to newer features, just like remesh and shadow box led to it.

    In the meantime I'd suggest looking into what tools like dynamesh currently do offer, and then try to open up your work style to adapt to whats available instead of waiting and hoping the tools adapt to fit you or trying to force them to do what they're not meant for. Then the art process becomes a lot less stressful.

    There are more options of course. If you keep in mind that it's meant more to create a basemesh with an even distribution of faces across the entire model rather than a full character sculpt, then you can model the mesh more like a basemesh. Spread those fingers as wide as you can for this stage of the block out, and then once you move into the sculpting phase you can transpose them back to a more relaxed pose if you want.

    Or keep the resolution very (very) humble, block out your arms, and extrude the faces for the fingers out using transpose just like you would when modeling in another program. Turn off dynamesh as early as you can, and subdivide like normal.

    Or GoZ to pixologic's Sculptris program.
  • BaNaNaSpliTTer
    Honestly...you have helped.I was just moaning because I wasnt winning. No1 likes to loose at whatever game their playing. Im gonna start a fresh tmmoz+forget this ever happened.

    Il probs either widen the gap between fingers...or just delete the fingers+extrude them as you have suggested. I need to adapt+alter my ways of working. Kinda get set in your ways...letting go is actually beneficial sometimes ^^,
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