Couple questions: I'm not sure how to go about the eyes -- first time doing a stylized head. Should I sculpt the eyes right out of it? Should I make weird-shaped eyeballs? Normal-shaped eyeballs that are really big? Also, in the reference, the colors are more vibrant. In my experience everything looks drab in Mudbox, though -- I guess because of its shading. Have I just not done enough to fix that?

I'd appreciate it if someone would kick my ass off with a critique, too.
The hair and the painting detract from everything else a LOT.
The hair is lumpy and lacks any definition where it meets the face. I would honestly suggest that it should be made out of a separate piece of geo from the head, since that would look a lot cleaner. If not, just work on making the area where the hair meets her face a lot lot lot more refined.
The painting is just super sloppy. You have grey from the hair bleeding over onto her face and ears, which compounds the problem you're already having with the hair. Aside from that, there isn't any variation in skin tone (which is fine if you are just blocking out colors) but it sounds like you are trying to get the coloration correct.
You should probably make the eyes separate spheres that you stick into her eyesockets. I have seen people sculpt good eyes straight out of the head mesh, but it's not easy.
Like I said at first, you actually have a pretty good shape going on. I really like your lips, in particular. It's just a couple things that make it look worse than it actually is.
I know your pain. Hair is something that bothers me immensely, since I can never find a method that feels 100% right.
Depending on what state you're planning to take your model, now might be a good time to consider whether you're going to make the hair with cards or with geometry. Whichever you choose, that's what I would suggest you do.