Hi, Here is where ill post my rubble models that i make in zbrush. Any advice or cits to help me improve are greatly appreciated. Thank you
This first one is a 30 minute speed sculpt using only the clay tubes brush and it only has 250,000 polys currently (p.s I suck at making gradient backgrounds so each one is slightly different looking)

Could also use noisemaker to add some noise to the current undamaged parts - just high frequency stuff so it doesn't look so smooth. Depends what kinda results you get, but worth experimenting with.
The following link has some decent pictures of various stone/cement structures that are deteriorating. They might be helpful when sculpting more stone rubble pieces:
teggs: I see what you mean about it looking like chewed wood I will re-work those areas. I do plan on adding cracks and more detail, I just wanted to get some advice on the main damage before I move on to the finer details, rebar and stuff like that. Thank you for the website link that will definetly help me improve the my rubble sculpting.