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W.I.P Rubble Pieces

Hi, Here is where ill post my rubble models that i make in zbrush. Any advice or cits to help me improve are greatly appreciated. Thank you

This first one is a 30 minute speed sculpt using only the clay tubes brush and it only has 250,000 polys currently (p.s I suck at making gradient backgrounds so each one is slightly different looking)


  • pablohurtado
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    Could mix up the brushes you're using, maybe some with more distinct alphas. I think eat3d has a good free stone scultpting tut.. http://eat3d.com/free/zbrush_stone

    Could also use noisemaker to add some noise to the current undamaged parts - just high frequency stuff so it doesn't look so smooth. Depends what kinda results you get, but worth experimenting with.
  • teggs
    I think your rubble columns are coming along pretty good but I think there are just a few areas that you might want to watch out for because right now I think it kind of looks like it is made of wood and an animal has chewed it apart instead of being a crumbling stone/cement column. In the image below I pointed out the areas where I think it looks like chew marks and included some images of wood damage created by beavers as a comparison. I think by mixing up the brushes and adding some noise like Bek suggested it will really help sell the illusion that this column is made of stone. You also you might want to consider sculpting in some cracks to the stone. Keep it up!

    The following link has some decent pictures of various stone/cement structures that are deteriorating. They might be helpful when sculpting more stone rubble pieces:

  • Fr0stguard
    Bek: I do plan on trying noisemaker once I get the poly count a little higher and I refine some of the main damage and cracks I plan to add. i do have the stone brushes from Eat3D and I do an to to use them when I start doing the finer details when i'm back home and have access to my computer.

    teggs: I see what you mean about it looking like chewed wood I will re-work those areas. I do plan on adding cracks and more detail, I just wanted to get some advice on the main damage before I move on to the finer details, rebar and stuff like that. Thank you for the website link that will definetly help me improve the my rubble sculpting.
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