Latest Update:

Hey All,
I've started work on a new environment - a Winery. Wanting to have a cleanish but traditional/handmade look to it. Really undecided on the saturation and colours of the various woods. This is my progress so far.

Crits gratefully received.
Also thought I'd remove half the cylindrical rafters, as I think it shows a bit more detail. Thoughts on this?
I'd say it's too early to really crit, aside from the textures, so I'll talk about those...
There's obviously much left to be done, such as the door frame, more objects to fill the space, etc. The wood is simply way too flat. Are you using a normal & spec map? If so, the details are way too fine, and not coming through well enough to be read. I think the floor tiles are good, though - aside from their large size. I'd scale down the size a tad. I'd say your biggest objectives right now are to...
1) Have more stuff (Obviously), and
2) Get your wood texture to read better.
Overall, great start.
You could even import into your 3d program and get the sizes right there i suppose.
Think about what will make for an interesting space. What is the climate like in this area? What floor is this are in? The answers to these questions will have and effect on how you go about making the environment, what details you should add, etc.
Here are a few interesting winery images I found that may be of some inspiration. Notice the interesting vaulted or curved ceilings, pillars, and light sources. The first 1 is a bit more modern, which I don't think you're going for, but still an interesting space.
The last image is a good example of how a box space can be filled well, but notice just how much stuff would need to be created to make it look "lived in" and that it is a much smaller space than what you've got so far.
I really think you should take a step back and re-evaluate your space as a whole, gather up a big ol' reference sheet and identify key features of the winery you want to make.
Hope that helps. Keep at it!
Scale: The barrels were simply too large, I scaled them up on import. The doorway was technically the size of an interior doorway, but it was a bit small for my needs so have largened that as well. Now edited back to normal, the scale is actually correct, and have a character sitting in my scene in max. The tiles have been scaled down too.
PixelatedKiwi: Yeah, I was thinking that light sources are going to come soon, would be good to be able to make the environment in the way it will be lit.
tristamus: Thanks for the crit, I agree there isn't much to crit yet really - more meshes to be coming soon!!! When you say my wood texture isn't reading, do you mean for one of the ceiling parts or the wall wood? The wood gooing round the ceiling at the top is currently placeholder.
darbeeno: Hey, thanks for taking the time to find that ref, and I do agree that a box isn't very interesting, and will be changing up the shape. However, I believe you have somewhat misunderstood the project, this isn't supposed to be a wine cellar but a wine shop, something I have ref for already, here are a few of them:
Very small update here, as I'm posting anyway - have been playing around with the wood and lights to get the right effect, and have moved in a doorway mesh which is ready for sculpting. Not even unwrapped but with a wood mat thrown on.
Keep it up! This can look pretty cool in the end, make sure it does. :thumbup:
Shmaba: Blocking out is indeed the next step, and my next screenie shows it!
Polygoblin: Cheers! Yeah would be nice to give the hallway some more interest, I'll put my mind to it.
So I've blocked out some of the layout - the units in the centre will have indents where wine will be displayed at the angle on both sides. The back shelves will also be holding wine bottles. These aren't even unwrapped and have thrown a wood texture on them for colour. Planning on having a counter in the right area of the room, and perhaps a hanging tapestry/rug hanging from the left wall with barrels in front.
here is the progress! crits as usual are appreciated.
IMO the walls and floor seem a bit flat. Try darkening the wood on the wall texture.
Also I'd make the ceiling shorter, to make it more claustrophobic.
Keep it up!
I've made a bit more process, have tried to include cubemap reflections on these wine bottles along with the metal on the barrels. Not perfect, but starting to get there. Diffuse is preliminary, trying to get the right effect at the moment. Many more in many different colours are to come.
Next steps include making a counter mesh along with light sources + proper texturing/hi poly for the shelving units.
Right now the only small props you have are the wine bottles. Make sure you create some other small props to place around the scene, since it seems you're fine on medium-sized ones and bigger like the shelves.
Even though we have a lot of perfectly straight lines IRL, you might want to tweak them and nudge the vertices a little bit to make sure you get some more detail and more interesting shapes. Don't go overboard though! ^^
Nice work so far, looking forward to seeing more!
Got a counter and some windows in now. Will certainly be adding some sort of tapestry/curtain in front of the windows with SSS to let light shine through, hopefully using the cloth modifier. I'm thinking of having a wooden beam run from the surface of the counter (near the end) up to the ceiling with thing hung on it on nails.
On top of that, still need light sources. Have tried a couple but looking rubbish atm, so gonna keep trying in that area.
Hope some of these comments are useful, keep up the good work!
ikblue: There is currently a cubemap, but not applied like you mention, so will attempt to get a better glass effect with the fresnel. Light sources are on their way, but I am hating the thought of going there atm, so keep putting it off :P
mbischof: Yeah, the whole scene is going to get a going over with decorations when all the small assets are finished - gonna hopefully make quite a lot of small decorative assets. As for vertex painting, I'm saving that till last, but its going to get a similar treatment to this previous material I made, with the addition of some wine stains.
It's been a while since I worked on this, but I have made a bit of progress in the last couple of days.
Here is an update:
Here is the HP of the till:
Crits appreciated as usual! Still need to do lots more smaller props, and light sources.
Here's another update, have been working on the lighting on the scene, I still have more props to do to flesh out the scene, but I'm pretty pleased with how its looking!! Crits appreciated.