Finish a personal project for my portifolio
Based of the concept of Ben Mauro
Hope you like it
25 k polys
Rendered in Marmoset

2k textures for the body

1k textures for the acessories

More shots:
High Poly

Construction Shot

It looks like you just inverted the diffuse and added a levels adjust for the spec maps, but for conductive materials the specular color is usually similar to the diffuse. (think gold or brass, the highlight is a bright yellow, not white, and the metal itself without lighting is either darker brown or an orangish color)
While you're thinking about spec, the difference in spec and gloss levels between different materials is almost nil on your model. I usually try to push a little past realism when wanting to show material definition. Also throw on some sort of cavity map/mask and pop out the edges a bit in the diffuse, and a lot more in the spec. Not too much, but just enough to reinforce your normal map and to make the edges pop out a bit. In real life this happens due to the extra curvature and more angles for the highlight to reflect off, but you can fake it a bit with a cavity map.
Everything else is looking pretty sweet man, lets hope you keep on posting.
Your link to the concept artist didn't work for me, but here's an image of the concept, for other people to compare.
Based on the concept, your specular for the skin should actually match the skin tone, instead of being inversed. Notice how the alien gets intense blue highlights, where his skin is blue, and orange highlights where his skin is red. A lot of the metals are also much shinier in the concept (specifically the helmet thing and backpack).
Thanks for the comments I will make these corrections
Soon I will post the update